redux-duck-modules v1.0.1
Redux Duck Modules
A package help organize actions, reducers, and selectors together into modules, inspired by ducks.
Duck Modules
A standard redux app consists of action type constants, action creators, and reducers. Selectors are created within react components. These are typically defined in separate files, sometimes in different folders.
A Duck Module combines the logic around a specific data set together, meaning the action types, action creators,reducers, and selectors that deal with the data are defined together, typically in the same file. The createModule
function combines and wraps these parts together to provide a single object to export that contains the reducer, actions and selectors. Connected components are able to easily import and use the module.
- Each module is only aware of it's own state. Modules don't care or know about each other's state.
- Each module defnes how its state is structured. You define all actions, reducers, and selectors in each module that manipulate and retrieve data from that modules state.
- Connected components should not assume to know how the store is structured. When creating connected components, there is no need to directly reference the state. Instead import actions and selectors from each module. This keeps the logic of how the state is structured inside the module - the component doesn't need to know the path through the state. As a bonus, connected components don't need to be updated when the structure of the store is changed.
API Reference
createModule(name, reducer, actions, selectors)
- name - the name of the module, used primarily when combining reducers from multiple modules.
- reducer - the reducer function for the module.
- actions - an object map of action creators
- selectors - an object map of selectors
Returns a Duck Module object suitable for exporting. The passed in selectors are wrapped so proper scope is applied when used.
- modules - an array of all modules
Returns a combined reducer for passing to redux's createStore()
function. Internally utilizes combineReducers()
import { createModule} from 'redux-duck-modules';
const initialState = {
favorite: '',
forSale: ['BBQ', 'Sea Salt', 'Plain', 'Jalepeno']
const setFavorite = favorite => { type: SET_FAVORITE_CHIPS, payload: favorite };
const setForSale = chipsList => { type: SET_FAVORITE_CHIPS, payload: chipsList };
const getFavorite = state => state.favorite;
const getForSale = state => state.forSale;
const reducer = function(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, favorite: action.payload };
return { ...state, forSale: action.payload };
return state;
export const chips = createModule(
{ setFavorite, setForSale },
{ getFavorite, getForSale }
export default reducer;
- Utilizes redux-reducer-handlers
for alternate reducer definition.
import { createModule} from 'redux-duck-modules';
import createReducer from 'redux-reducer-handlers';
const initialState = {
favorite: '',
forSale: ['Soda', 'Lemonade', 'Iced Tea', 'Coffee']
const setFavorite = favorite => { type: SET_FAVORITE_DRINKS, payload: favorite };
const setForSale = drinksList => { type: SET_DRINKS_FOR_SALE, payload: drinksList };
const getFavorite = state => state.favorite;
const getForSale = state => state.forSale;
const handlers = {
[SET_FAVORITE_DRINKS]: (draft, action) => {
draft.favorite = action.payload;
[SET_DRINKS_FOR_SALE]: (draft, action) => {
draft.forSale = action.payload;
const reducer = createReducer(initialState, handlers);
export const drinks = createModule(
{ setFavorite, setForSale }, // actions
{ getFavorite, getForSale } // selectors
export default reducer;
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { combineModuleReducers } from 'redux-duck-modules';
import drinks from './drinks';
import chips from './chips';
const rootReducer = combineModuleReducers([drinks, chips]);
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
export default store;
- A connected component
import React from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { chips } from './chips';
const ChipsList = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const chipsList = useSelector(chips.selectors.getForSale);
const favorite = useSelector(chips.selectors.getFavorite);
const handleClick = (item) => {
return (
{favorite && <h3>{favorite} is your favorite kind of chips!</h3>}
{ => <div onClick={() => handleClick(item)}>{item}</div>)}