1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

redux-form-reselect v1.0.2

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5 years ago


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create a structured selector that selects various state from a redux-form


npm install --save redux-form-reselect

Webpack Note

The package.json of this module includes a module field linking to untranspiled modern JS code, so if you are building for legacy browsers you will need to include this package in a babel-loader rule to transpile it.


import * as React from 'react'
import {
} from 'redux-form'
import {createStructuredFormSelector} from 'redux-form-reselect'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {mount} from 'react-dom'

const mapStateToProps = createStructuredFormSelector({
  submitting: isSubmitting,
  submitSucceeded: hasSubmitSucceeded,
  submitFailed: hasSubmitFailed,
  error: getFormError,

const FormStatus = connect(mapStateToProps)(
  ({submitting, submitSucceeded, submitFailed, error}) => {
    if (submitting) return <h3>Submitting...</h3>
    if (submitSucceeded) return <h3>Submitted!</h3>
    if (submitFailed) return <h3>Submit failed: {error}</h3>
    return <h3 />

// Now render <FormStatus form="nameOrYourReduxForm" /> somewhere in your app to show the status of that form!


createStructuredFormSelector(selectorMap, options = {})

import {createStructuredFormSelector} from 'redux-form-reselect'

Uses createStructuredSelector to create a mapStateToProps function based upon the provided redux-form selectors in selectorMap.

Returns a selector function: (state: State, props: InputProps) => OutputProps

By default the selector uses the props.form passed to it to determine which form to select state from, but you can override this by passing options.selectFormName.

selectorMap (Required)

An object, where the key in each entry is the output prop name, and the value is either a:

  • redux-form selector taking arguments (formName: String, getFormState?: ?(state: State) => any)) and returning a (state: State) => any selector function.
  • string field name, in which case the value of that field in the form will be selected.

options.getFormState (Optional)

Default: (state) => state.form A function that takes the redux state and returns the redux-form state root.

options.selectFormName (Optional)

Default: (state, props) => props.form A function that takes the redux state and the component props and returns the name of the form to select state from.

options.additionalSelectors (Optional)

An object containing additional prop selectors to be spread into the createStructuredSelector call. The key in each entry is the output prop name, and the value is a selector function taking (state, props) and returning the desired output value for the prop.