1.0.4 β€’ Published 6 years ago

redux-immutable-helper v1.0.4

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6 years ago


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To make sure that you understood why I wrote this library, I want you to compare the "Todo App" reducer below which I wrote twice. One time only by using Javascript and one time by using the power of redux-immutable-hlper library.

Only Javascript

const todoList = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "ADD_TODO": {
      return [...state, { ...action.newTodo }];
    case "UPDATE_TODO": {
      const updated_todo_index = state.findIndex(
        todo => todo.id === action.updatedTodo.id
      return [
        ...state.slice(0, updated_todo_index),
        ...state.slice(updated_todo_index + 1)
    case "TOGGLE_TODO": {
      const toggled_todo_index = state.findIndex(todo => todo.id === action.id);
      return [
        ...state.slice(0, toggled_todo_index),
          completed: !state[toggled_todo_index]
        ...state.slice(toggled_todo_index + 1)
    case "REMOVE_TODO": {
      const removed_todo_index = state.findIndex(todo => todo.id === action.id);
      return [
        ...state.slice(0, removed_todo_index),
        ...state.slice(removed_todo_index + 1)

      return state;

Using the power of redux-immutable-helper

import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const todoList = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "ADD_TODO":
      return array(state)
    case "UPDATE_TODO":
      return array(state)
        .replace(todo => todo.id === action.updatedTodo.id, action.updatedTodo)
    case "TOGGLE_TODO":
      return array(state)
          todo => todo.id === action.id,
          prevTodo => ({ ...prevTodo, completed: !prevTodo.completed })
    case "REMOVE_TODO":
      return array(state)
        .remove(todo => todo.id === action.id)

      return state;

If it does make sense for you go up ⭐ me and let's read the documentation.


npm install redux-immutable-helper --save

Or if you're using yarn:

yarn add redux-immutable-helper


This is a list of the methods that you can access by calling array() function that we provide.

push()Adds an element or more to the end of the source array....elements: any[]
unshift()Adds an element or more to the beginning of the source array....elements: any[]
pop()Removes an element or more from the end of the source array.count: number = 1
shift()Removes an element or more from the beginning of the source array.count: number = 1
concat()Concats the passed array with the end of the source array.target: any[]
replace()Replaces an element from the source array with the one that you pass.index: number((element) => boolean), element: any((prevElement) => any)
insertAfter()Inserts an element to the source array after the index that you pass.index: number((element) => boolean), element: any
insertBefore()Inserts an element to the source array before the index that you pass.index: number((element) => boolean), element: any
remove()Removes an element from the index the you pass.index: number((element) => boolean)
toArray()Returns the result of the operations those you took over the source array.


push() method like the original Array.prototype.push() method helps you to add an element to the end of the array but without mutating the original array. For example:

import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘", "🐈"];

the newList variable will contain the new array and the list variable will still as it.

Also it's allowing you to add multi elements to the end of the array by passing them as a separated arguments as following.

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .push("🐈", "πŸ“", "πŸ‡")
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘", "🐈", "πŸ“", "πŸ‡"];


unshift() method works exactly like the Array.prototype.unshift() method which can be found inside the original Array.prototype object which allows you to add an element to the beginning of the array but without mutating the original array. For example:

import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐢", "πŸ‘", "🐈"];
const newList = array(list)
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘", "🐈"];

As the push() method also the unshift() method also allowing you to add multi elements to the beginning of the array by passing the elements as separated arguments as following.

const list = ["🐢", "πŸ‘", "🐈"];
const newList = array(list)
  .unshift("🐼", "πŸ“", "πŸ‡")
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "πŸ“", "πŸ‡", "🐢", "πŸ‘", "🐈"];


As the Array.prototype.pop() method pop() method allows you to remove an element from the end of the array but without mutating the original array. For example:

import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢"];

Also you can remove multi elements from the of end the array by passing the count of the elements those you want to remove as following.

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼"];


As the Array.prototype.shift() method shift() method allows you to remove an element from the beginning of the array but without mutating the original array. For example:

import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐢", "πŸ‘"];

Also you can remove multi elements from the beginning of the array by passing the count of the elements those you want to remove as following.

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .toArray(); // output => ["πŸ‘"];


replace() method unlike the other methods has no synonym in the Array.prototype object. replace() method helps you to replace an element in the array with another one that you pass. replace() method takes two arguments. First argument the index of the element that you want to replace and the second argument the new element. For example:

import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .replace(0, "🐈")
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐈", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];

If you don't know the exact index of the element that you want to replace you can pass a predicate function as the first argument. The predicate funtion is a function to execute on each value in the array until the function returns true, indicating that the satisfying element was found. The replace() method will use the index of that element as the index argument.

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .replace(animal => animal === "🐼", "🐈")
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐈", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];

If you calculating your new element with an expensive operation and you want to use the previous element to calculate the new one you can pass a callback function as the second argument to the replace() method. The callback function is a function takes the previous element as the first argument and returns the new element.

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list)
  .replace(animal => animal === "🐼", prevAnimal => prevAnimal + "🐈")
  .toArray(); // output => ["🐼🐈", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];


import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list).insertAfter(1, "🐈").toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢", "🐈", "πŸ‘"];

Also you can it a expression

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list).insertAfter(animal => animal === "🐢", "🐈").toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢", 🐈", "πŸ‘"];


import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list).insertBefore(1, "🐈").toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐈", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];

Also you can it a expression

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list).insertBefore(animal => animal === "🐢", "🐈").toArray(); // output => ["🐼", 🐈", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];


import { array } from "redux-immutable-helper";

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list).remove(2).toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢"];

Also you can it a expression

const list = ["🐼", "🐢", "πŸ‘"];
const newList = array(list).remove(animal => animal === "πŸ‘").toArray(); // output => ["🐼", "🐢"];


We would love to have community contributions and support! A few areas where could use help right now:

  • Adding replaceAll method to array object
  • Adding removeAll method to array object
  • Bug reports and/or fixes
  • Writing tests
  • Creating examples for the docs

If you want to contribute, please submit a pull request, or contact m.yaman.katby@gmail.com for more information. When you commit your messages, follow this convention:

Main changes subject
- Optional message
- Another optional message

If you do a breaking change, add an explanation preceded by BREAKING CHANGE: keyword. For example:

BREAKING CHANGE: Main changes subject
- Optional message
- Another optional message


  • Yaman KATBY - Initial work - Website

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


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