0.1.2 • Published 6 years ago
redux-instructions v0.1.2
A library that intended to move logic out of reducer to reusable instructions
Installing using node package manager. Type the following in your console inside your project directory:
npm install redux-instructions --save
With yarn:
yarn add redux-instructions
Define reusable instructions
const add = (state, newObject) => ([ ...state, newObject ])
const update = (state, newObject) => ({...state, ...newObject })
const remove = (state, object) => state
.filter((stateObj) => stateObj.id !== object.id)
Create instructed reducer
import { handleInstructions } from 'redux-instructions'
export type User = {
id: number
name: string
export type State = {
isLoading: boolean
error: any
export const usersReducer = handleInstructions<User[]>([])
export const stateReducer = handleInstructions<State>({
isLoading: false,
error: null,
Create instructing action
import { instructingAction, instruct } from 'redux-instructions'
// code
const fetchUser = instructingAction<null, { id: number }>(() => {
instruct(stateReducer, update, { isLoading: true, error: null })
Use instructing action inside component
dispatch(fetchUser(null, { id: 1 }))
Inside your middleware
import { instruct, applyInstructionAction } from 'redux-instructions'
// import reducers and instructors
// saga
function* userFetchHandler({ meta }) {
try {
const response = call(fetch, `http://localhost/api/${meta.id}`)
instruct(usersReducer, add, response.data.user)
instruct(stateReducer, update, { isLoading: false })
catch (e) {
instruct(stateReducer, update, { isLoading: false, error: e })
yield put(applyInstructionAction())
export default function* () {
yield takeLatest(fetchUser.toString(), userFetchHandler)