1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

redux-minimal v1.0.0

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8 years ago

React Redux minimal starter kit (boilerplate)

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Redux-Minimal is a minimalist react-redux starter kit (boilerplate) which let's you build rich real world apps. It's not as light as some starter kits which only let you write a simple hello world app and then you have to struggle with installing all the other stuff yourself. And it's also not as packed as other starter kits which confuse you massively with its folder/file structure and arcane scripts.

Redux-Minimal contains the bare minimum to develop a real world complex app and it also comes with a small users app that will show you how to code certain features. A demo of the app can be seen here: http://redux-minimal-app.catalin-luntraru.com

Getting started

  1. Before you start working with redux-minimal, you first need to setup your environment. Make sure you have the following installed:

  2. Once your environment is prepared, open a command prompt (terminal) and type in the following:

    cd C:\js\node\apps
    git clone https://github.com/catalin-luntraru/redux-minimal.git hello-world
    cd hello-world
    npm install
    npm start
  3. Then open your http://localhost:8080/ to see the included small users app. Congratulations! You can now write react redux code.

  4. For more productivity you can install Chrome's React Developer Tools and Redux Dev Tools

Why use this?

Redux-Minimal contains the minimum npm packages you need to have installed in order to build a react redux real-world app containing:

  • a proper file/folder structure
  • pages (routes)
  • forms with validation
  • real-world API asynchronous requests
  • unit tests
  • bootstrap react components
  • sass
  • hot loader for ease of development
  • redux tools
  • js and css bundle files built for development or production

The code and implementation are minimal, which lets you focus on the real app, not the webpack, babel, gulp etc boilerplate files, which honestly you shouldn't even bother with.

Installed packages

Here are the npm packages that redux-minimal installs:

ReactreactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces
react-domServes as the entry point of the DOM-related rendering paths
react-hot-loaderTweak React components in real time when developing
ReduxreduxA predictable state container for JavaScript apps
react-reduxReact bindings for Redux
Routerreact-routerDeclarative routing for React. Your app has pages now
react-router-reduxSimple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync
Bootstrapreact-bootstrapBootstrap 3 components built with React
react-router-bootstrapIntegration between React Router and React-Bootstrap
Formsredux-formA Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
Asynchronousredux-sagaAsynchronous API calls made easy with Saga
Unit testsmochaSimple javascript test framework
Sassnode-sassMature, stable, and powerful CSS extension language
WebpackwebpackA bundler for javascript, css and others
webpack-dev-serverServes the app at http://localhost:8080/
extract-text-webpack-pluginWebpack plugin that builds the css bundle file
style-loaderWebpack module that loads styles
css-loaderWebpack module that loads css styles
sass-loaderWebpack module that loads sass styles
Babelbabel-preset-es2015Let's you use ES2015 Javascript syntax
babel-preset-reactLet's you use React's JSX syntax
babel-coreCompiler that helps webpack to compile the new javascript syntax
babel-loaderPlugin that helps webpack to compile the new javascript syntax
babel-plugin-transform-regeneratorLet's you use ES2015 generator functions which you need for redux-saga
babel-plugin-transform-runtimeAutomatically polyfils your code without polluting globals, needed for the ES2015 generator functions

Sample app

Redux-Minimal also contains a small sample app that let's you manage some users with the following features:

  • a list of users with pagination
  • add a new user
  • edit an existing user
  • delete a user

The sample app provides you with basically most of the things you will need when building a new real-world app.

The demo for the app can be found here: http://redux-minimal-app.catalin-luntraru.com

Build your own app

  1. Open webpack.config.js and change the app_root value from src_users to src

  2. Run npm start

  3. Congratulations! You now have a blank Hello world starting app


Besides the start script, there are also other scripts

npm run <script>What it does
startStarts the app at http://localhost:8080/. The bundle js/css files are stored in memory
testStarts the unit testing using all the files found in the test folder
test-watchStarts the unit testing and watches for changes to re-run the tests
build-devBuilds the js/css bundle files in the public folder. Adds debugging code for development
build-prodBuilds the js/css bundle minified files in the public folder


This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2016 Catalin Luntraru.