1.2.0 • Published 7 years ago

redux-reducer-toolkit v1.2.0

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7 years ago

Redux Reducer Toolkit

This library implements several functions that are useful for combining, composing, and altering reducers. Each of this functions returns a memoized reducer, similar to reselect, so data isn't re-computed unnecessarily. The inspiration for this library was fantasyland-redux, only instead of basing it off of the fantasyland specification it is based off of the static-land specification. This made it simple to build this as a library instead of pinning it to a specific redux version.

See the examples directory for usage examples, including a comparison with reselect.


The library is organized into modules corresponding to the structures defined by the static-land spec, however you can also import all the methods at once without importing individual structures. It assumes a traditional reducer signature of:

// Flow type
type Reducer<action, input, output> = (input, action) => output;

// Traditional signature
function reducer(state, action) {
  return state;

This library considers a reducer function to be parameterized on its action, input state, and output state types. In general the action type never varies across arguments or return values. Depending on the module, either the output state or both the input and output state types will vary across arguments and return values. These will be noted in each module.

Both memoized and non-memoized versions of these modules are exported. Memoized versions can be accessed by import { Memoized } from 'redux-reducer-toolkit'.


Use case

This module provides a method for modifying the returned state from a reducer.

  • Pull only the properties that a specific component requires
  • Derive computed properties from a reducer's state object
function grandTotal(receipt) {
  return receipt.shipping + receipt.tax + receipt.subtotal;

Functor.map(grandTotal, receiptReducer);

Parameterized Types

  • Output state


map : ((out_a => out_b), Reducer<action, input, out_a>) => Reducer<action, input, out_b>)


Use case

This module provides methods for modifying both the input state and the output state of a reducer. Note that mapOut is identical to Functor.map.

  • Glue reducers lower in the hierarchy to reducers higher in the hierarchy
function grandTotal(receipt) {
  return receipt.shipping + receipt.tax + receipt.subtotal;

// Returns { lineItems, receipt }
const orderReducer;

// Ramda.prop gets the named property off an object
Promap.promap(Ramda.prop('receipt'), grandTotal, orderReducer);

Profunctor.objectify takes a key and a reducer and generates a reducer which can take an object with that key and return an object with that key. You can reimplement combineReducers this way.

const combineReducers = (reducerSpec) => (
  reducerSpec.map((r, k) => Profunctor.objectify(k, r))
    .reduce(Chain.expand, Monoid.identity)

Parameterized Types

  • Input state
  • Output state


promap : ((in_a => in_b), (out_a => out_b), Reducer<action, in_b, out_a>) => Reducer<action, in_a, out_b>
mapIn : ((in_a => in_b), Reducer<action, in_b, out>) => Reducer<action, in_a, out>
mapOut : ((out_a => out_b), Reducer<action, input, out_a>) => Reducer<action, input, out_b>)
objectify : (string, Reducer<action, ins, outs>) => Reducer<action, { string: ins }, { string: outs }>


Use case

This module provides a way to take transformation functions you would use with Functor.map, but have multiple arguments, and apply them to multiple reducers. These transformation functions must be curried in order to work properly.

const grandTotal = curry((shipping, tax, subtotal) => {
  return shipping + tax + subtotal;

Apply.ap(Apply.ap(Apply.ap(Applicative.of(grandTotal), shippingReducer), taxReducer), subtotalReducer);

Parameterized Types

  • Output State


ap : (Reducer<action, ins, (outs => outs_)>, Reducer<action, ins, outs>) => Reducer<action, ins, outs_>


Use case

This module applies a way to take non-reducer things like functions and values and use them with Apply.ap. It essentially creates a reducer that always returns the same value. See the Use case for Apply for an example.

Parameterized Types

  • None


of: (outs) => Reducer<action, ins, outs>


Use case

This module provides a way to take two reducers and run them with the same action, one after the other. The output of the first reducer is used as input to the second reducer.

// Returns line items state
const lineItemsReducer;
// Takes line items and returns a total
const subtotalReducer;

Semigroup.concat(lineItemsReducer, subtotalReducer);

Parameterized Types

  • Input state
  • Output state


concat : (Reducer<action, in_a, out_a>, Reducer<action, out_a, out_b>) => Reducer<action, in_a, out_b>


Use case

This module provides a special reducer that can be used as an identity when combining reducers using Semigroup.concat. This is handy if you have a list of reducers you want to reduce over and need an initial value.

Parameterized Types

  • None


empty : () => Reducer<action, state, state>


Use case

This module provides a way to combine reducers in such a way that the second reducer can depend on the first. This is useful for reducers that depend on the values of other reducers in addition to their own internal state. This is a powerful but fairly low-level ability. Therefore some convenience functions are specified here as well for common combinations.

// This reducer depends on the router state to know when to load more products
const productListReducer = (router) => (state, action) => { ... };

Chain.chain((routerState) => (
  Promap.mapIn(Ramda.prop('productList'), productListReducer(router))
), Promap.mapIn(Ramda.prop('router'), routerReducer));

Chain.expand handles the use case where you might want two reducers operating on the same state to each return separate keys of a resulting object. Chain.expandAll operates on more than two reducers.

// Manages user account information
const userReducer;
// Manages cart information, the cart may be anonymous or registered to a user.
const cartReducer;

// We might want to have all the cart and user information available in the same
// object
Chain.expand(userReducer, cartReducer);

Chain.combine works just like the traditional combineReducers function. It accepts an object whose values are reducers, and returns a reducer that will generate an object with the same keys whose values are the state returned from the individual reducers.

Parameterized Types

  • Input state
  • Output state


chain : (outs => Reducer<action, ins, outs_>, Reducer<action, ins, outs>) => Reducer<action, ins, outs_>
expand : (Reducer<action, ins, outs>, Reducer<action, ins, outs_>) => Reducer<action, ins, outs & outs_>
expandAll : (...Reducer<action, ins, *>) => Reducer<action, ins, outs>
combine : (Object<string, Reducer<action, *, *>>) => Reducer<action, *, *>


Requires webpack, babel, and eslint to build. You can use a Nix shell to enter a development environment with those tools already in it or just use your own.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago