0.1.2 • Published 9 years ago
redux-rest-easy v0.1.2
Redux Rest Easy
A simple Redux middleware for declarative data fetching - helps you REST easy 😴
Except for Redux, Redux Rest Easy depends on Redux Thunk, which middleware has to be included after Redux Rest Easy in your store's middlewares.
npm install --save redux-rest-easy
To enable Redux Rest Easy, use applyMiddleware()
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { middleware as restEasy } from 'redux-rest-easy'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import rootReducer from './reducer'
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(restEasy, thunk)
A simple straight-to-the-point use case looks something like this:
import store from './my-redux-store'
import { fetch } from 'redux-rest-easy' // Redux Rest Easy mimicks window.fetch, albeit with a few extensions
const getAnimals = () => fetch('GET_ANIMALS', '/api/animals')
// Since redux-rest-easy in conjunction with redux-thunk makes use of
// promises it's easy to react to a fulfilled API call everywhere
.then(({ payload, meta, error }) => {
if (error) return
console.log('Got animals!', payload.map(animal => animal.name))
// And your reducers might look something like this...
const defaultState = {
error: false,
fetching: false,
animals: null
// Redux Rest Easy always returns actions following the Flux Standard Action pattern
const getAnimalsReducer = (state = defaultState, { payload, meta, error }) => {
if (error) return { ...state, error: payload }
if (meta.status === 'begin') return { ...state, error: false, fetching: true }
if (meta.status === 'end')
return {
fetching: false,
animals: payload
return state
const rootReducer = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === 'GET_ANIMALS') return getAnimalsReducer(state, action)
return state
Because we're dealing with promise-based middleware it's also somewhat easier to react on bulk actions having finished running:
// Using ES2017 async/await for simplicity
const getFelines = () => async dispatch => {
const lions = await dispatch(fetch('GET_LIONS', '/api/animals/lions'))
const tigers = await dispatch(fetch('GET_LIONS', '/api/animals/tigers'))
if (lions.error || tigers.error) throw new Error('Failed loading felines')
return {
lions: lions.payload,
tigers: tigers.payload
.then(felines => {
console.log('Tigers:', felines.tigers)
console.log('Lions:', felines.lions)
.catch(error => console.error(error))
Redux Rest Easy also contains its own Request (used internally in the middleware, but also exposed for you to use), wrapping window.Request with a set of default headers you can easily modify yourself:
import { fetch, defaultHeaders, Request } from 'redux-rest-easy'
// For example, you can set your authorization in the default headers
defaultHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer myToken')
const getAnimals = () => {
const input = new Request('/api/animals')
return fetch('GET_ANIMALS', input)