1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

redux-rsaa-middleware v1.1.0

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6 years ago

Redux RSAA Middleware

Redux middleware for handling API-calling actions.

Table of Contents


This middleware intercepts and handles actions of type 'RSAA' and forwards to the next middleware actions of any other type.


To install this package, run:

npm install redux-rsaa-middleware --save


The middleware can be applied to your Redux store by including the following code in the entry point of your project (for example index.jsx)\ Notice that topReducer and initialState need to be defined within your project.

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { RSAAMiddleware } from 'redux-rsaa-middleware';
import topReducer from './reducers';
import initialState from './initialState';

const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(RSAAMiddleware)(createStore);
const configureStore = initState =>
  createStoreWithMiddleware(topReducer, initState);
const store = configureStore(initialState);

The middleware will intercept and handle actions of type 'RSAA', which must respect the following type definition:

  type: 'RSAA',
  payload: {
    method?: string,
    path?: string,
    body?: Object,
    headers?: Object,
    query?: string | Object,
    error?: Object,
    errorTime?: string,
    response?: Object,
    failureAction?: Action,
    finishedSendingAction?: Action,
    startedSendingAction?: Action,
    successAction?: Action,

When such an action is dispatched, the middleware will attempt to send a request using the values of the payload properties method, path and query, and dispatch during the process the actions contained in the following properties:

  • startedSendingAction

    Is dispatched to let the store know that the process has started.\ If no value is given to this property, a default action is dispatched, which has type 'API_CALL_STARTED_SENDING', and empty payload.

  • successAction

    Is dispatched if the request is successful, to let the store know that the request was successful.\ The response is inserted into the payload as value of the property response.\ If no value is given to successAction, a default action is dispatched, which has type 'API_CALL_SUCCESS', and payload as follows:

      response: Object
  • failureAction

    Is dispatched if the request fails, to let the store know that the request failed.\ If no value is given to this property, a default action is dispatched, which has type 'API_CALL_FAILURE', and payload as follows:

      error: Object,
      errorTime: string,
  • finishedSendingAction

    Is dispatched to let the store know that the process has ended.\ If no value is given to this property, a default action is dispatched, which has type 'API_CALL_FINISHED_SENDING', and empty payload.


To run the tests included in this package, run from within /node_modules/redux-rsaa-middleware:

npm install && npm run test


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


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6 years ago