0.1.8 • Published 9 years ago

redux-simple-form v0.1.8

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9 years ago

Redux Simple Form

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Redux Simple Form is a collection of reducer creators and action creators that make implementing even the most complex and custom forms with React and Redux simple and performant.

npm install redux-simple-form --save

Quick Start

import React from 'react';
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import  { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { createModelReducer, createFormReducer } from 'redux-simple-form';

import MyForm from './components/my-form-component';

const store = createStore(combineReducers({
  user: createModelReducer('user', { name: '' }),
  userForm: createFormReducer('user')

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Provider store={ store }>
        <MyForm />
// ./components/my-form-component.js'
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Field } from 'redux-simple-form';

class MyForm extends React.Component {
  render() {
    let { user } = this.props;
    return (
        <h1>Hello, { user.name }!</h1>
        <Field model="user.name">
          <input type="text" />

export default connect(state => ({ user: state.user }))(MyForm);


<Field>...</Field> Component

import { Field } from 'redux-simple-form';

// inside a component's render() method ...
<Field model="user.name">
  <input type="text" />

// a required field
<Field model="user.email"
    required: (val) => val.length
  <input type="email" />

The <Field /> component is a helper component that wraps one or more controls and maps actions for the specified model to events on the controls. The supported controls are:

  • <input /> - any text type
  • <textarea />
  • <input type="checkbox" />
  • <input type="radio" />
  • <select />
  • <select multiple/>

The only required prop is model, which is a string that represents the model value in the store. The allowed props (including optional props) are:

  • model (String) - the string representing the store model value
  • updateOn (String | Function) - a function that decorates the default onChange function, or a string:
    • "change"
    • "blur"
    • "focus"
  • validators (Object) - a validation object with key-validator pairs (see below)
  • asyncValidators (Object) - an async validation object with key-asyncValidator pairs (see below)
  • parser (Function) - a function that parses the value before updating the model.

<Field /> Component properties

model property

The string representing the model value in the store.

// in store.js
export default createStore(combineReducers({
  'user': createModelReducer('user', { name: '' })

// in component's render() method
<Field model="user.name">
  <input type="text" />

updateOn property

A string or function specifying when the component should dispatch a change(...) action. If a string, updateOn can be one of these values:

  • "change" - will dispatch in onChange
  • "blur" - will dispatch in onBlur
  • "focus" - will dispatch in onFocus

So, <Field model="foo.bar" updateOn="blur"> will only dispatch the change(...) action on blur.

If updateOn is a function, the function given will be called with the change action creator. The function given will be called in onChange. For example:

import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';

<Field model="test.bounce"
  updateOn={(change) => debounce(change, 1000)}
  <input type="text" />

validators property

A map where the keys are validation keys, and the values are the corresponding functions that determine the validity of each key, given the model's value.

For example, this field validates that a username exists and is longer than 4 characters:

<Field model="user.username"
    required: (val) => val.length,
    length: (val) => val.length > 4
  <input type="text" />

Action Creators

actions.change(model, value)

Returns an action object that, when handled by a modelReducer, changes the value of the respective model to the new value.

When the change action is handled by a formReducer, the field model's dirty state is set to true and its corresponding pristine state is set to false.


  • model: (String) the model whose value will be changed
  • value: (*) the value the model will be changed to
import {
} from 'redux-simple-form';

const userReducer = createModelReducer('user');

let initialState = { name: '', age: 0 };

userReducer(initialState, actions.change('user.name', 'Billy'));
// => { name: 'Billy', age: 0 }


Returns an action object that, when handled by a modelReducer, changes the value of the respective model to its initial value.


  • model: (String) the model whose value will be reset
import {
} from 'redux-simple-form';

const counterReducer = createModelReducer('counter');

let initialState = { count: 10 };

let nextState = counterReducer(initialState,
  actions.change('counter.count', 42));
// => { count: 42 }

let resetState = counterReducer(nextState,
// => { count: 10 }


Returns an action object that, when handled by a formReducer, changes the focus state of the field model in the form to true, as well as the corresponding blur state to false.

The "focus" state indicates that the field model is the currently focused field in the form.


  • model: (String) the model indicated as focused
import {
} from 'redux-simple-form';

// assuming this is a connected component
const Newsletter = (props) => {
  let { newsletterForm, dispatch } = props;

  return (
      <input type="email"
        onFocus={() => dispatch(actions.focus('newsletter.email'))} />
      { newsletterForm.field('email').focus &&
        <div>We're focused on emailing you stuff!</div>


Returns an action object that, when handled by a formReducer, changes the blur state of the field model in the form to true, as well as the corresponding focus state to false. It also indicates that the field model has been touched, and will set that state to true and the untouched state to false.

The "blur" state indicates that the field model is not focused.


  • model: (String) the model indicated as blurred


Returns an action object that, when handled by a formReducer, changes the pristine state of the field model in the form to true, as well as the corresponding dirty state to false.

The "pristine" state indicates that the user has not interacted with this field model yet.


  • model: (String) the model indicated as pristine


Returns an action object that, when handled by a formReducer, changes the dirty state of the field model in the form to true, as well as the corresponding pristine state to false.

The "dirty" state indicates that the model value has been changed.


  • model: (String) the model indicated as dirty


Returns an action object that, when handled by a formReducer, changes the pending state of the field model in the form to true. It simultaneously sets the submitted state to false.

This action is useful when asynchronously validating or submitting a model, and is representative of the state between the initial and final state of a field model.


  • model: (String) the model indicated as pending

actions.setValidity(model, validity)

Returns an action object that, when handled by a formReducer, changes the valid state of the field model in the form to true or false, based on the validity (see below). It simultaneously sets the errors on the field model to the inverse of the validity.

The validity can be an object or a boolean value, indicating which aspects of the field model are valid. A validity object is a key/value pair where the values are functions that return a truthy (if valid) or falsey (if invalid) value.


let val = 'testing123';

dispatch(actions.setValidity('user.password', {
  required: (val) => val && val.length,
  correct: (val) => val === 'hunter2'

// Field model errors will now look like:
// errors: {
//   required: false,
//   correct: true
// }


  • model: (String) the model indicated as pending
  • validity: (Boolean | Object) the validity of the model `,

'reducers': `


createModelReducer(model, initialState = {})

Returns a model reducer that only responds to change() and reset() actions on the model or model's child values.

Note: if using the <Field /> component or any action thunk creators, the model must be the same as the property given to the reducer in combineReducers({...}).


  • model: (String) the model that the reducer will update
  • initialState: (Any) the initial state of the model


import { createModelReducer } from 'redux-simple-form';

const initialUserState = {
  firstName: '',
  lastName: ''

const userReducer = createModelReducer('user', initialUserState);

export default userReducer;


Returns a form reducer that only responds to any actions on the model or model's child values. The reducer's state has the shape of initialFormState, with a fields property where each field has the shape of initialFieldState.


  • model: (String) the model whose form state (and child field states) the reducer will update.


import { createFormReducer } from 'redux-simple-form';

const userFormReducer = createFormReducer('user');

export default userFormReducer;

Action Thunk Creators

These action creators require redux-thunk-middleware to work, as they use thunks to determine the next state.

actions.merge(model, values)

Dispatches a change action that merges the values into the value specified by the model.


  • model: (String) the object model to be updated.
  • values: (Object | Object[] | Objects...) the values that will be merged into the object represented by the model.

actions.xor(model, item)

Dispatches a change action that applies an "xor" operation to the array represented by the model; that is, it "toggles" an item in an array.

If the model value contains item, it will be removed. If the model value doesn't contain item, it will be added.


  • model: (String) the array model where the xor will be applied.
  • item: (*) the item to be "toggled" in the model value.

actions.push(model, item)

Dispatches a change action that "pushes" the item to the array represented by the model.


  • model: (String) the array model where the item will be pushed.
  • item: (*) the item to be "pushed" in the model value.


Dispatches a change action that sets the model to true if it is falsey, and false if it is truthy.


  • model: (String) the model whose value will be toggled.

actions.filter(model, iteratee)

Dispatches a change action that filters the array represented by the model through the iteratee function. This action works similar to lodash's _.filter method.

If no iteratee is specified, the identity function is used by default.


  • model: (String) the array model to be filtered.
  • iteratee = identity: (Function) the filter iteratee function that filters the array represented by the model.

actions.map(model, iteratee)

Dispatches a change action that maps the array represented by the model through the iteratee function. This action works similar to lodash's _.map method.

If no iteratee is specified, the identity function is used by default.


  • model: (String) the array model to be maped.
  • iteratee = identity: (Function) the map iteratee function that maps the array represented by the model.

actions.remove(model, index)

Dispatches a change action that removes the item at the specified index of the array represented by the model.


  • model: (String) the array model to be updated.
  • index: (Number) the index that should be removed from the array.

9 years ago


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9 years ago