0.3.0 • Published 7 years ago

redux-typed-ducks v0.3.0

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7 years ago

Redux Typed Ducks

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Inspired by https://github.com/erikras/ducks-modular-redux I wanted better type support for projects written with typescript using the redux pattern. This project also tries to shrink the boilerplate code even further, e. g. no need for those switch-case statements to map the actions to its reducer functions.

Besides that, the goal was to stay independent of a redux implementation.


npm install redux-typed-ducks


createDuck(actionType, payloadReducer)

  • actionType - a string identifying the action that will be dispatched later
  • payloadReducer - a function that takes the previous state and an optional payload to create and return the next state.

The returned object (aka duck) is the actual action creator function, but also has the two parameters assigned as properties (which are only relevant for internal use).


import {createDuck} from 'redux-typed-ducks';

const replaceDuck = createDuck('duck/REPLACE', replaceReducer);
replaceDuck.actionType;     // -> 'duck/REPLACE'
replaceDuck.payloadReducer; // -> replaceReducer()
replaceDuck('ribbit');      // -> { type:'duck/REPLACE', payload:'ribbit' } 

Interestingly, we do not have to fiddle with FSAs in our reducer implementations and can focus on the payload.

function replaceReducer(state: string, payload: string) {
    const nextState = payload;
    return nextState;

createReducer(ducks, initialState)

At some point we need to create the actual reducer.

With createReducer we can convert the given ducks into a reducer function.

  • ducks - an object literal holding the ducks created with createDuck
  • initialState - (optional) will be {} by default

The reducer function, that will take care of extracting and mapping a dispatched action to the correct payload reducer.


import {createDuck, createReducer} from 'redux-typed-ducks';

const replaceDuck = createDuck('duck/REPLACE', replaceReducer);

const initialState = 'initial string state';
const ducks = {
    // ... add more ducks here
const reducer = createReducer(ducks, initialState);

Later on, redux or @ngrx/store will execute the reducer like so:

let prevState = 'previous state';
let dispatchedAction = { type: 'duck/REPLACE', payload: 'ribbit' };

const nextState = reducer(prevState, dispatchedAction); // -> 'ribbit'
Nested ducks

createReducer() also supports object literals where ducks can be nested to help with structuring your ducks:

import {createDuck, createReducer} from 'redux-typed-ducks';

const replaceDuck = createDuck('duck/REPLACE', replaceReducer);
const revertDuck = createDuck('duck/REVERT', revertReducer);

const ducks = {
    nested: {
        replace: replaceDuck,
        revert: revertDuck
const reducer = createReducer(ducks, 'initial state');

createDispatchedActions(ducks, store)

Additionally we can already wire up the ducks with the store to create self-dispating action functions.

  • ducks - an object literal holding the ducks created with createDuck
  • store - any object that has a dispatch() function

An object literal with the same keys as the given ducks object. Each entry points to a self-dispatching action function. Hence, we can call it directly from our components.

Exporting the actions object will help to prune boiler plate code in your actual application components.


import {createDuck, createDispatchedActions} from 'redux-typed-ducks';

const replaceDuck = createDuck('duck/REPLACE', replaceReducer);
const ducks = {
    replace: replaceDuck,
const fakeStore = {dispatch: (action) => { console.log(action); }};
const actions = createDispatchedActions(ducks, fakeStore);
actions.replace('next'); // -> dispatches the 'duck/REPLACE' action 
                         //    with 'next' as payload. It also returns
                         //    the generated action object.
Nested ducks

createDispatchedActions() also supports object literals where ducks can be nested to help with structuring your actions:

import {createDuck, createDispatchedActions} from 'redux-typed-ducks';

const replaceDuck = createDuck('duck/REPLACE', replaceReducer);
const revertDuck = createDuck('duck/REVERT', revertReducer);

const ducks = {
    nested: {
        replace: replaceDuck,
        revert: revertDuck
const fakeStore = {dispatch: (action) => { console.log(action); }};
const actions = createDispatchedActions(ducks, fakeStore);
