0.2.5 • Published 6 years ago

redux-way v0.2.5

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Last release
6 years ago


A small, simple and immutable model to manage data in your Redux store.


After multiple project with react and redux, the file structure begin unmaintainable, constants on one side, reducers on another. I tried to put everything in a file but I end up with a large file. So I created for my needs, a bookstore allowing me to have maintainable and clear code I was inspired by react-redux and react-ORM


npm install --save redux-way


Declare your model

import { Model } from 'redux-way';

export const INCREMENT = 'INCREMENT';
export const DECREMENT = 'DECREMENT';
export const RESET = 'RESET';

export default class CounterModel extends Model {
	// Used to resolve all related store 
	static modelName = 'counter';

	// Initial state
	static state = 0;

	// Differents actions related to the model
	static actions = {
		increment: () => ({type: INCREMENT}),
		decrement: () => ({type: DECREMENT}),
		reset: () => ({type: RESET})

	// Reducer linked by constants
	reducer = {
		[INCREMENT]: (state, action, model) => {model.update(state + 1)},
		[DECREMENT]: (state, action, model) => {model.update(state - 1)},
		[RESET]: (state, action, model) => {model.update(0)}

Register your model and create store

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Register } from 'redux-way';
import { CounterModel } from './model';

const register = new Register();

// Register your models

const store = createStore(createReducer(register));

Connect your composant

import React from 'react';

import { CounterModel } from './models';
import { connect } from 'redux-way';

export class Counter extends React.Component{
	render() {
		const { counter, decrement, increment, reset } = this.props;
		return (
				<br />
				<button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>
				<button onClick={increment}>Incremente</button>
				<button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>

// Same api as react-redux
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
	return { counter: state.counter }

const mapDispatchToProps = {
	increment: CounterModel.actions.increment,
	decrement: CounterModel.actions.decrement,
	reset: CounterModel.actions.reset,

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Counter)

Use redux-saga

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Register } from 'redux-way';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'

import { CounterModel } from './model';

const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()

const register = new Register();

// Register your models

const store = createStore(createReducer(register));

// register sagaMiddleware, launch after store has been created
import { Model } from 'redux-way';
import {delay} from 'redux-saga'
import {put, takeEvery} from 'redux-saga/effects'

export const INCREMENT = 'INCREMENT';
export const DECREMENT = 'DECREMENT';
export const RESET = 'RESET';

export default class CounterModel extends Model {
	// Used to resolve all related store 
	static modelName = 'counter';

	// Initial state
	static state = 0;

	// Differents actions related to the model
	static actions = {
		increment: () => ({type: INCREMENT}),
		asyncIncrement: () => ({type: ASYNC_INCREMENT}),
		decrement: () => ({type: DECREMENT}),
		reset: () => ({type: RESET})

	// launch by sagaMiddleware.run
	run = function* () {
		yield takeEvery(ASYNC_INCREMENT, this.changeName)

	changeName = function* () {
		yield delay(1000);
		yield put({type: INCREMENT})

	// Reducer linked by constants
	reducer = {
		[INCREMENT]: (state, action, model) => {model.update(state + 1)},
		[DECREMENT]: (state, action, model) => {model.update(state - 1)},
		[RESET]: (state, action, model) => {model.update(0)}



  • update(mergeObj): update the state by merging mergeObj. Returns undefined