0.2.0 • Published 7 years ago

refetcher v0.2.0

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7 years ago


A microservice for Redis-based streaming of HTTP requests and responses for simplification and scaling of applicable services that consume HTTP responses for async processing.

Since the state of HTTP requests and responses is stored in Redis, multiple response handlers can be deployed e.g. for improved reliability and rolling updates.

Some external service can request a fetch via Redis as follows:

  • generate a new unique request id e.g. 123 via INCR fetch:id:seq
  • set hashes for that request especially url e.g. HSET fetch:123:h url ${url}
  • push the id to the request queue e.g. LPUSH fetch:req:q 123

This service performs the following operations:

  • pops the next request id from its Redis input queue e.g. 123 from fetch:req:q
  • retrieve the url for that request from Redis hashes e.g. fetch:123:h
  • HTTP fetch that URL using the node-fetch package
  • set the response text in Redis e.g. fetch:123:text as per res.text()
  • set the response headers in Redis e.g. fetch:123:headers:h hashes
  • notify subscribers via Redis pubsub e.g. publish 123 to channel fetch:res
  • handle failures, errors and retries e.g. via fetch:retry:q
  • pause processing when request rate and concurrency limits are exceeded

Typically sync services would subscribe to the channel fetch:res whereas async services might pull responses from the :res:q output queue.


where all Redis keys will be prefixed with fetch

Incidently we don't necessarily actually rate limit the URL fetching, just slow down the process as follows:

if (Date.now() > counters.perMinute.timestamp + 60000) {
    counters.perMinute = new TimestampedCounter();
} else {
if (counters.perMinute.count > config.perMinuteLimit) {
    await delay(config.rateDelayLimit);

where we pause this service for a configured delayLimit e.g. 2 seconds, before the next fetch operation.


const queueKeys = reduceKeys(
    ['req', 'res', 'busy', 'failed', 'errored', 'retry'],
    key => `${config.namespace}:${key}:q`

where queue keys are suffixed with :q

This service will brpoplush the next id as follows.

let id = await client.brpoplpushAsync(queueKeys.req, queueKeys.busy, config.popTimeout);

where in-flight requests are pushed to the busy queue.

Note that the onus is on drivers of this service to ensure a unique ID for the request. Naturally Redis INCR is recommended on this Redis instance, e.g. on key fetch:id:seq to provide a unique sequence number.

If no new incoming requests, we might retry an previous failed request from the retry queue.

if (!id) {
    if (counters.concurrent.count < config.concurrentLimit) {
        id = await client.rpoplpushAsync(queueKeys.retry, queueKeys.busy);

where we first check that we are not at the limit of our concurrent requests, especially for retries.

Clear we give retries a lesser priority than new requests, and ensure they are somewhat delayed i.e. to retry "later."

After popping a request id, the service will retrieve the url from the hashes for this id

const hashesKey = [config.namespace, id, 'h'].join(':');
const hashes = await client.hgetallAsync(hashesKey);
if (!hashes) {
    logger.info('hashes expired', hashesKey);
} else {
    logger.debug('url', hashes.url, hashesKey, config.messageExpire);
    client.expire(hashesKey, config.messageExpire);
    handle(id, hashesKey, hashes);

Note that it is possible that the hashes of a request from retry:q will have expired, or because of delays when the load exceeds configured limits. Therefore persistent retries may require intervention by your application.


The url as retrieved from the hashes for this id is fetched i.e. an HTTP request is performed via the network.

const res = await fetch(hashes.url, {timeout: config.fetchTimeout});

where we use the node-fetch package for the HTTP request. Note that redirects should followed by default.


If an OK 200 HTTP response is received, then the response text is set in Redis, and the id pushed to :res:q i.e. to notify a reactive consumer that the response is ready for that id

if (res.status === 200) {
    const text = await res.text();
    logger.debug('text', text.length, hashesKey);
    await multiExecAsync(client, multi => {
        multi.hset(hashesKey, 'status', res.status);
        multi.setex(`${config.namespace}:${id}:text`, config.messageExpire, text);
        Object.keys(res.headers._headers).forEach(key => {
            multi.hset(`${config.namespace}:${id}:headers:h`, key, res.headers.get(key).toString());
        multi.expire(`${config.namespace}:${id}:headers:h`, config.messageExpire);
        multi.lpush(queueKeys.res, id);
        multi.ltrim(queueKeys.res, config.queueLimit);
        multi.lrem(queueKeys.busy, 1, id);
        multi.publish(`${config.namespace}:res`, id);

Error handling

Otherwise for a error status i.e. not 200 e.g. 500 or 404 or what you you, we increment a retry count and push the id to the failed queue.

multi.hincrby(hashesKey, 'retry', 1);
multi.hset(hashesKey, 'limit', config.retryLimit);
multi.hset(hashesKey, 'status', res.status);
multi.lpush(queueKeys.failed, id);
multi.ltrim(queueKeys.failed, 0, config.queueLimit);
multi.lrem(queueKeys.busy, 1, id);

If the retry count is within the limit then it will be retried later via the :retry:q queue.

if (retry < config.retryLimit) {
    await multiExecAsync(client, multi => {
        multi.lpush(queueKeys.retry, id);
        multi.ltrim(queueKeys.retry, 0, config.queueLimit);

Note that if a network error occurs e.g. DNS lookup failure or request timeout, the id will be pushed to :error:q rather than :fail:q

As in the case of the status code, the id will be pushed to :retry:q