1.0.0-rc.2 • Published 6 months ago

reflectype v1.0.0-rc.2

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Last release
6 months ago


Runtime type checking for Javascript.



Babel version

To achieve accurate transpilatio, this package needs the latest version of Babel dependencies after version 7.23 because since version 7.23, Babel add implementation for TC-39 proposal decorator metadata.

This is configuration dependencies when developing this pacakage

    "devDependencies": {
        "@babel/core": "^7.23.5",
        "@babel/node": "^7.22.19",
        "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators": "^7.23.5",
        "@babel/preset-env": "^7.23.5",
        "@babel/register": "^7.22.15",
        "@types/node": "^20.10.4",
        "babel-jest": "^29.7.0",
        "jest": "^29.7.0"

.babelrc setup

    "presets": [
    "plugins": [
        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "version": "2023-05" }]



Reflectype lets classes can implement Interface like other's strong typed language. To create an Interface, define a class that extends the Interface class which can be imported via two package's paths 'refletype/interface' and 'reflectype'.

The Interface class will prevent us from instantiating object on it's derived classes.

Implementing interfaces

const {_implements, Interface} = require('reflectype');

class ILoggable extends Interface {

     * Declare methods that we wish a derived class must implement.
     * method body for an Interface class is useless
    logConsole() {}
    logFile() {}

class IDisposable extends Interface {

    dispose() {}

 * would throw error because this class has not been defined log() method
@_implement(ILoggable, IDisposable)
class SomeClass {

    logConsole(msg) {


    logFile(msg) {


    dispose() {


Type Checking

Class Attribute

A class's property is determined as an attribute when the keyword accessor is added before the property indentifier. accessor is not official Javascript's keyword, It's come with the TC-39 Proposal decorator for Javascript.

Attribute type

@type decorator to define type check for an attribute. when setting value to an attribute, Reflectype will check if the type is

const {type, allowNull, returnType, defaultArgs, paramsType, Void} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    accessor id;

const obj = new A;

obj.id = 'foo'; // error
obj.id = 1; // valid set

Type with interfaces

const {_implement, Interface, type} = require('reflectype');

class ILoggable extends Interface {

     * Declare methods that we wish a derived class must implement.
     * method body for an Interface class is useless
    logConsole() {}
    logFile() {}

class IDisposable extends Interface {

    dispose() {}

 * would throw error because this class has not been defined log() method
@implement(ILoggable, IDisposable)
class SomeClass {

    logConsole(msg) {


    logFile(msg) {


    dispose() {


class A {

    accessor logger;

const obj = new A();
obj.logger = new SomeClass(); // no Error

Attribute nullable

Use @allowNull to let the attribute can be setted as nullable (null or undefined)

const {type, allowNull, returnType, defaultArgs, paramsType, Void} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    accessor id;

Class Method

Method return type

We can use either @returnType or @type to type check return value's type of a method. The different between the two decorator is @type can be applied on both class accessor properties and @returnType just only be applied to methods.

Void is a predefine class to help @returnType prevents method return anything (return nothing is similar to return undefined).

const {type, allowNull, returnType, defaultArgs, paramsType, Void} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    print(id, name) {

        console.log(id, name);


Method returns nullable

We can apply @allowNull on class's methods to allow the method return nullale (null or undefined) when the method has return type.

const {type, allowNull, returnType, defaultArgs, paramsType, Void} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    print(id, name) {

        console.log(id, name);

Method paramerters type list

Use @paramsType to pass a list of method paramameters 's type.

const {paramsType} = require('reflectype');

class Component {}

class A {

    @paramsType(Number, String, String)
    foo(param1, param2) {

         *  param1's type is [Number]
         *  param2's type is [String]
         *  arguments[2] 's type is [String]

Explicit method parameters type

Since version 1.0.0 reflectype provide @parameters decorator to help method's parameter type hinting more explicitly. @parameters strictly read method's parameter list and then comparing. If we define parameter whose name didn't apear in the method definition, Error would be thrown.

const {parameters} = require('reflectype');

class Component {}

class A {

    // valid
    @parameters({param1: Number, param2: String})
    foo(param1, param2) {


    // valid 
    @parameters({b: Component})
    bar(a, b, c) {
         * a's type is any
         * b's type is [Component]
         * c's type is any

    // invalid
    @parameters({param: Number})
    anotherMethod() {


We can add multiple metadata to parameter when using @parameters

const {parameters, allowNull} = require('reflectype');

class Component {}

class A {

    // valid
        param1: [Number, allowNull],
        param2: String
    foo(param1, param2) {


Method default Arguments

Default argument list


const {type, allowNull, returnType, defaultArgs, paramsType, Void} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    @defaultArgumentList(1, 'john', 'extra argument')
    print(id, name) {

     *  output similar to [1, 'john', 'extra argument']

Explicit default arguments


const {type, allowNull, returnType, defaultArgs, paramsType, Void} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    @defaultArguments({id: 1, name: 'john'})
    print(id, name) {


Method Overloading (Multiple Dispatch)

Reflectype provides the ability to oeverloading methods like other object oriented languages (C++, C#, Java). The concept and keywords inspired mostly from C# language.

Multimethod concept


Generic and Pseudo Method

const {METHOD, returnType, parameters} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    func() {
         * this is origin method

        param1: String
    [METHOD('func')](param1) {

         * this is pseudo method that is an overloaded version 
         * of the A.func() method that has 1 parameter accepts 
         * string type.

Overloading Without Declaring Pseudo Method

class A {

    func() {
         * this is origin method

        param1: String
    anotherMethod(param1) {

         * this is pseudo method that is an overloaded version 
         * of the A.func() method that has 1 parameter accepts 
         * string type.

Maxium number of type hinted parameter for each method is 32 because part of the overall algorithm for method overloading designed in this package is heuristic approach, the decision for choosing the best match method signature for a particular argument list depends mostly on the statistic table that uses numbers (32 bit) to store indexes of a specific type which is potentially been declared.

Single Dispatch (Early Binding)

Cosider the following example written in C#

using System;

public class A {

    public virtual void foo() {


public class B: A {

    public override void foo() {


public class Test {

    public static void func(A o) {

        Console.WriteLine("overloaded for A");

    public static void func(B o) {

        Console.WriteLine("overloaded for B");

    public static void Main() {

        A obj = new B();

        Test.func(new B());

    // result in terminal will be
    // overloaded for A
    // overloaded for B

The two invocations of static method Test.func() print different result in the terminal because of the first ivocation

A obj = new B();


The type of variable obj is determined at compile time is A no matter what the exact object is passed to the variable is an a polymorphic type of A and lead to the result that the method variant has signature func(A o) is the best candidate to be dispatched. This case is called Method Overloading.

Look at the second invocation

Test.func(new B());

The type of argument is supposedly determined at runtime, compiler couldn't detect arbitrary argument's types at compile without type casting. This case is called Multiple Dispacth or either Multimethod.

In context of Javascript with Reflectype

script for test

npm run test-method-overloading-static-type-cast
const {METHOD, parameters, type} = require('reflectype');

class A {

    foo() {}

class B extends A {}

class T {

    accessor prop;

class Test {

       param: A
    static func(param) {

        console.log('overloaded for A');

        param1: B,
    static [METHOD('func')](param1) {

        console.log('overloaded for B');   
const T_obj = new T();
T_obj.prop = new B();

T.func(new B());


overloaded for A
overloaded for B

The code above is the Javascript conversion of the illustative C# example before. As a result, contents printed to the console is the same as the C#'s version's. Any type hinted properties of object are static_casted to the type where they are stored. In the JS example, the object that is stored at T_obj.prop is type of B but T_obj.prop type if determined as A so that when passing literally test_method_overload_obj.func(T_obj.prop); the type of the object stored at T_obj.prop is casted down to A and therefore the method with signature func(param: A) is dispathed.

Context Based Argument Type

Like other oop programming languages, arguments will be casted down as the declared static type on the method even thouugh they are subtype of the parameter type.

class Base {}

class Derived extends Base {}

class A {

        param: Base
    func(param) {
         *  param is now considered as Base

        a: Derived
    [METHOD('func')](a) {


const obj = new A();

obj.func(new Derived());

 * this example's output will lead to stack overflow 
 * because A.func(Base) is dispatched recursively.

Type Coercion Lookup

There are 2 special types would be "casted down":

  • Number -> String
  • Number -> Boolean

Every Type would be "casted down" as Object.

Nullable Parameter Branch

Nullable branch appears when there is nullable parameter defined on a specific method.

class A {

        param: [Number, allowNull]
    func(param) {


class B extends A {

        a: [Number, allowNull]
    func(a) {


The following example Illustrates ambigous definition of nullable overloading. When dispatching Nullable (null or undefined) to first parameter of A.func(), there are conflict between A.func(Number) and A.func(String) because they both accept nullable value as their first argument.

class A {

        param: [Number, allowNull]
    func(param) {


        a: [String, allowNull]
    [METHOD('func')](a) {


Current Benchmark State

script tested

Test directory {root}/test/reflectionQuery

# firstly, install dev packages

npm install --only=dev

# then run 

npm run test-reflect-query

*new benchmark

The new benchmark focused on operation's time of each phase of the algorithm.

Execution time in detail when dispatching a 3 parameters empty body method for one hundred thousand times in 10x3 dimensions method space (when JIT do it's job in optimizing codes).

Benchmatk machine

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500U
  • Memory: 8GB


  • Operating system: Ubuntu 23.10 linux kernel 6.5.0-25-generic (performance mode)
  • Node version: v20.11.1

The overall time for retrieving the most specific appplicable method for each request is around 0.005ms when requesting one hundred thousand method invocations.

overral execution time (for each request one hundred thousand method invocations):

  • estimation phase: 0.005ms
  • retrieving most specific applicable signature (lookup signature using estimated datas): 0.001ms
  • extract vtable: 0.001ms
  • down cast arguments: 0.001ms

It seems like the operation time of the argument down casting phase approximately equal to the estimation's time because the two operation is identical. Time complexity of the two operation is O(mm) with m is number of arguments and n is the number of each argument's class inheritance chain.

Time average for invoking such a method is 0.010ms.

time average for iterating a an one hundred thousand times empty for loop is 0.6ms.

*Current development stateV

  • Explicit type matched arguments
  • Interface type matched arguments
  • Single dispatch
  • Dynamic dispatch
  • Multiple dispatch
  • Nullable parameters
  • types coercion
  • virtual method behavior

New approaches:

  • argument type caching
  • static type binding (pure method overloading)
  • evaluate Any type parameters
  • interface method strict parameters

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