0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

refreshing-config-redis v0.1.0

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7 years ago

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Redis support for the refreshing-config configuration library.

Values are stored in Redis hashmaps and change notification is done via a Redis pub/sub channel. Great for maintaining a single configuration across multiple machines.


  1. Install refreshing-config, refreshing-config-redis, and redis:

      npm install --save refreshing-config refreshing-config-redis redis
  2. Use the library:

      // Import the dependencies
      const redis = require('redis');
      const RefreshingConfig = require('refreshing-config');
      const RefreshingConfigRedis = require('refreshing-config-redis');
      // Configure the client and store
      const redisClient = redis.createClient();
      const configurationName = 'my-config-key';
      const channelName = `${configurationName}-channel`;
      const configStore = new RefreshingConfigRedis.RedisConfigStore(redisClient, configurationName);
      result[subsystemName] = new RefreshingConfig.RefreshingConfig(configStore)
        .withExtension(new RefreshingConfigRedis.RedisPubSubRefreshPolicyAndChangePublisher(redisClient, channelName));
      // Use the config
      config.set('foo', 'bar')
        .then(() => config.get('foo'))


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