0.4.1 • Published 6 years ago

regee v0.4.1

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6 years ago


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Regular Expression with Extended functionality. RegEE JavaScript module. This module allows the use of named groups in a regular expression.


  • 0.4.0
    • changed importing syntax
    • added methods: match and replace

Installing module

C:\npm install regee

Usage in code

// for simple import
import 'regee';

// for using as class
const { RegEE } = require('regee')
// or
import { RegEE } from 'regee'


1ematchstring.ematch( pattern, flags )matching string and returns an array
2matchstring.match( new RegEE( pattern, flags ) )matching string and returns an array
3ereplacestring.ereplace( pattern, replacer, flags )replace string and return it
4replacestring.replace( new RegEE( pattern, flags ), replacer )replace string and return it


1patternRequired. The string or regular expression as a string that will be replaced by the replacer.
2replacerRequired. New substring or function.
3flagsOptional. One of the javascript regexp flags and the added x flag.

syntax sample:

// returns an array of matches found
str.ematch( pattern[, flags])
// or
str.match(new RegEE(pattern[, flags]))

// returns the result of the replacement as a string
str.ereplace(pattern, replacer[, flags])
// or
str.replace(new RegEE(pattern[, flags]), replacer)

Flag x

1xignore whitespace


var str         = 'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old';

// or ------------------------------------------------------
var result      = str.ematch(`
`, 'x');

// or ------------------------------------------------------
var result      = str.match(new RegEE(`


Named group

1(?\<somename>\w+)Named group


var str         = 'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old';

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                                  name of group
//                                                       |
var result      = str.ematch('My\\s+name\\s+is\\s+(?<FirstName>\\b\\w+\\b)');

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var result      = str.match(new RegEE('My\\s+name\\s+is\\s+(?<FirstName>\\b\\w+\\b)'));

Named back reference

1\k\<somename>Back reference for named group
2\g\<somename>Back reference for named group


var str         = 'to be or not to be';

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                           name of group <---------------- backreference
//                                |                                |
var isHamlet    = str.ematch('(?<TB>to\\s+be)\\s+or\\s+not\\s+\\k<TB>', 'i');

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var isHamlet    = str.match(new RegEE('(?<TB>to\\s+be)\\s+or\\s+not\\s+\\k<TB>', 'i');


...as string

String to replace. The string can contain the result value taken from the capture group.

1$+{ groupName }captured value from the named group


var oldString    = 'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old';

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var newString    = str.ereplace('My\\s+name\\s+is\\s+(?<FirstName>\\w+)\\s+(?<LastName>\\w+)\\.\\s+I\\s+am\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old', '$+{FirstName}: $+{Age}');

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var newString    = str.replace(new RegEE(`My\\s+name\\s+is
	\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old`, 'x'), '$+{FirstName}: $+{Age}');

// result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
console.log(newString); // --> John: 25

...as function

The function takes two parameters. The first parameter is a matching string, and the second is an array of captured values. The function returns a string to replace the match string.

1function( string, groups ) { ...some code; return '...some string'; }return a string for replacement
2( string, groups ) => { ...some code; return '...some string'; }return a string for replacement


var oldString    = 'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old.';

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var newString    = str.ereplace('My\\s+name\\s+is\\s+(?<FirstName>\\w+)\\s+(?<LastName>\\w+)\\.\\s+I\\s+am\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old', function (match, groups) {
    console.log(match) // --> My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old
    let res = groups.FirstName + ': ' + groups.Age
    return res;

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var newString    = str.replace(new RegEE(`My\\s+name\\s+is
	\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old`, 'x'), function (match, groups) {
        console.log(match) // --> My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old
        let res = groups.FirstName + ': ' + groups.Age
        return res;

// or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var newString    = str.replace(new RegEE(`My\\s+name\\s+is
	\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old`, 'x'), (match, groups) => groups.FirstName + ': ' + groups.Age);

// result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
console.log(newString); // --> John: 25


example matching:

var str = 'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old. My name is Jasmine. I am 32 year old.';

//You can using method 'ematch' for String objects
var result = str.ematch(`My\\s+name\\s+is
	\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old`, 'gx');

console.log(result[0].FirstName);  // --> John
console.log(result[0][1]);         // --> John
console.log(result[1].FirstName);  // --> Jasmine

console.log(result); // see down...
This action returns arrays, the number of arrays is equal to the number of matches.
The first element of each array contains a string that matches the pattern.

result is...
        'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old',
        FirstName: 'John',
        LastName: 'Smith',
        Age: '25'
        'My name is Jasmine. I am 32 year old',
        FirstName: 'Jasmine',
        LastName: undefined,
        Age: '32'

example replacing:

var str = 'My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old. My name is Jasmine. I am 32 year old.';

var newString    = str.replace(new RegEE(`My\\s+name\\s+is
	\\s+(?<Age>\\d+)\\s+year\\s+old`, 'gx'), (match, groups) => {
    console.log(match) // --> My name is John Smith. I am 25 year old
    console.log(groups[1]);         // --> John
    console.log(groups.FirstName);  // --> John

    let res = groups.FirstName + ': ' + groups.Age + "\n";
    return res;

console.log(newString); // see down...
    John: 25
    Jasmine: 32


Khalid Dudaev


MIT License