1.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

regevbr-textversionjs v1.0.3

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Last release
6 years ago


Generate the text version of your HTML email in a second.

This tool is an open source project. Feel free to use it any time in your projects!


The function that generates plain text from email htmls.


ParamTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
htmlTextstringYesThe html version of the email
styleConfigjsonNoOptions for converting


ParamTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
linkProcessfunctionNoCallback function to customize links appearance
imgProcessfunctionNoCallback function to customize image appearance
headingStylestringNo"underline"Define heading appearance, options: "underline", "linebreak", "hashify"
listStylestringNo"indention"Define list appearance, options: "indention", "linebreak"
uIndentionCharstringNo"-"If listStyle is indention, uIndentionChar is the character that fills the indention for unordered lists
oIndentionCharstringNo"-"If listStyle is indention, oIndentionChar is the character that fills the indention for ordered lists after the heading number
listIndentionTabsintNo3If listStyle is indention, listIndentionTabs is the width of the indention
keepNbspsbooleanNofalseDefine the behaviour of the non-braking spaces. If set to true, nbsps are not collapsed to single space.


ParamTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
hrefstringYesThe destination (href property) of the link
linkTextstringYesThe text of the link


ParamTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
srcstringYesThe source (src property) of the image
altstringYesThe alternative text (alt property) of the image


Simple conversion with default style

var textVersion = require("textversionjs");
var htmlText = "<html>" +
					"<body>" +
						"Lorem ipsum <a href=\"http://foo.foo\">dolor</a> sic <strong>amet</strong><br />" +
						"Lorem ipsum <img src=\"http://foo.jpg\" alt=\"foo\" /> sic <pre>amet</pre>" +
						"<p>Lorem ipsum dolor <br /> sic amet</p>" +
						"<script>" +
							"alert(\"nothing\");" +
						"</script>" +
					"</body>" +

var plainText = textVersion(htmlText);
// returns
// "Lorem ipsum [dolor] (http://foo.foo) sic amet
// Lorem ipsum ![foo] (http://foo.jpg) sic amet
// Lorem ipsum dolor
// sic amet"

Customize link appearance

var textVersion = require("textversionjs");
var htmlText = "<p>Lorem <a href=\"http://foo.foo\">ipsum</a> dolor sic amet</p>";

var styleConfig: {
	linkStyle: function(href, linkText){
		return linkText + " " + "(" + href + ")";

var plainText = textVersion(htmlText, styleConfig);
// returns "Lorem ipsum (http://foo.foo) dolor sic amet"

Customize headings

var textVersion = require("textversionjs");

var htmlText = "<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>" +
				"<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet</p>";

var styleConfig: {
	headingStyle: "hashify"

var plainText = textVersion(htmlText, styleConfig);
// returns
// "# Lorem ipsum
// Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet"

Customize lists

var textVersion = require("textversionjs");
var htmlText = "<ul>" +
					"<li>Lorem</li>" +
					"<li>ipsum</li>" +
				"</ul>" +
				"<ol>" +
					"<li start=\"3\">Lorem</li>" +
					"<li>ipsum</li>" +

var styleConfig: {
	headingStyle: "indention",
	uIndentionChar: ".";
	listIndentionTabs: 2;

var plainText = textVersion(htmlText, styleConfig);
// returns "
// ..Lorem
// ..ipsum
// 3.Lorem
// 4.ipsum"

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