0.1.5 • Published 7 years ago

reimport v0.1.5

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7 years ago


Containerizable utility to import Mongo data into Redis.

Use case

We use mongoexport to export a collection from MongoDB into a file, where each line is a JSON object.

We stream each line into a Redis list using https://github.com/evanx/resplit

This service then pops each line, extracts a required unique ID field for the Redis key, and sets the JSON document in Redis.

For example we have place_id in the JSON object, and wish to store the document using the key place:${id}:j

This JSON is intended to be exported to disk using https://github.com/evanx/refile, and served using Nginx.

Config spec

See lib/spec.js https://github.com/evanx/reimport/blob/master/lib/spec.js

module.exports = {
    description: 'Containerizable utility to import JSON into Redis.',
    required: {
        redisHost: {
            description: 'the Redis host',
            default: 'localhost'
        redisPort: {
            description: 'the Redis port',
            default: 6379
        idName: {
            description: 'the ID property name',
            example: 'place_id'
        namespace: {
            description: 'the Redis key namespace',
            example: 'place'
        inq: {
            description: 'the queue to import',
            example: 'resplit:q'
        busyq: {
            description: 'the pending list for brpoplpush',
            example: 'reimport:busy:q'
        outq: {
            description: 'the output key queue',
            example: 'refile:key:q'
        popTimeout: {
            description: 'the timeout for brpoplpush',
            unit: 'seconds',
            default: 10
        loggerLevel: {
            description: 'the logging level',
            default: 'info',
            example: 'debug'

Appication archetype

Incidently lib/index.js uses the redis-app-rpf application archetype.

require('redis-app-rpf')(require('./spec'), require('./main'));

where we extract the config from process.env according to the spec and invoke our main function.

This provides lifecycle boilerplate reused across similar applications.

See https://github.com/evanx/redis-app-rpf


You can build as follows:

docker build -t reimport https://github.com/evanx/reimport.git

using https://github.com/evanx/reimport/blob/master/Dockerfile

FROM node:7.5.0
ADD package.json .
RUN npm install
ADD lib lib
ENV NODE_ENV production
CMD ["node", "--harmony", "lib/index.js"]

See test/demo.sh https://github.com/evanx/reimport/blob/master/test/demo.sh


  • isolated network reimport-network
  • isolated Redis instance named reimport-redis
  • this utility as reimport-instance

Isolated test network

First we create the isolated network:

docker network create -d bridge reimport-network

Disposable Redis instance

Then the Redis container on that network:

redisContainer=`docker run --network=reimport-network \
    --name $redisName -d redis`
redisHost=`docker inspect $redisContainer |
    grep '"IPAddress":' | tail -1 | sed 's/.*"\([0-9\.]*\)",/\1/'`

where we parse its IP number into redisHost

Setup test data

We push an item to the input queue:

redis-cli lpush resplit:q '{
  "place_id": "ChIJV3iUI-PPdkgRGA7v4bhZPlU",
  "formatted_address": "Blenheim Palace, Woodstock OX20 1PP, UK"

Build and run

We build a container image for this service:

docker build -t reimport https://github.com/evanx/reimport.git

We interactively run the service on our test Redis container:

docker build -t reimport https://github.com/evanx/reimport.git
docker run --name reimport-instance --rm -i \
  --network=reimport-network \
  -e redisHost=$redisHost \
  -e idName=place_id \
  -e namespace=place \
  -e inq=resplit:q \
  -e busyq=busy:q \
  -e outq=refile:key:q \

Verify results

We check the lengths of the various queues:

redis-cli -h $redisHost llen resplit:q |
  grep ^0$
redis-cli -h $redisHost llen busy:q |
  grep ^0$
redis-cli -h $redisHost llen refile:key:q |
  grep ^1$
redis-cli -h $redisHost lindex refile:key:q 0 |
  grep '^place:ChIJV3iUI-PPdkgRGA7v4bhZPlU:j$'
redis-cli -h $redisHost get 'place:ChIJV3iUI-PPdkgRGA7v4bhZPlU:j' |
    grep 'Blenheim Palace'

We check that the key is pushed to the output queue:

+ redis-cli -h lindex refile:key:q 0
evan@dijkstra:~/reimport$ sh test/demo.sh
+ redis-cli -h get place:ChIJV3iUI-PPdkgRGA7v4bhZPlU:j
+ grep formatted_address
    "formatted_address": "Blenheim Palace, Woodstock OX20 1PP, UK"


docker rm -f reimport-redis
docker network rm reimport-network


See lib/main.js

while (true) {
    logger.debug('brpoplpush', config.inq, config.busyq, config.popTimeout);
    const item = await client.brpoplpushAsync(config.inq, config.busyq, config.popTimeout);
    logger.debug('popped', config.inq, config.busyq, item);
    if (!item) {
    if (item === 'exit') {
        await client.lrem(config.busyq, 1, item);
    const object = JSON.parse(item);
    const id = object[config.idName];
    const key = config.keyTemplate.replace(/{id}/, id);
    logger.debug({id, key});
    await multiExecAsync(client, multi => {
        multi.set(key, item);
        multi.lpush(config.outq, key);
        multi.lrem(config.busyq, 1, item);

Appication archetype

Incidently lib/index.js uses the redis-app-rpf application archetype.

require('redis-app-rpf')(require('./spec'), require('./main'));

where we extract the config from process.env according to the spec and invoke our main function.

This provides lifecycle boilerplate to reuse across similar applications.

See https://github.com/evanx/redis-app-rpf.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago