1.0.3 • Published 4 months ago
relatively-better-foreach-cli v1.0.3
CLI utility to execute a command for each file matching a glob. This is a fork of foreach-cli, but the value of relDir is calculated better in order to make it more useful. The "reldir" variable is taken from the glob specified: it takes up to the last directory before there is a "*". So:
abc/123/**/*.js -> abc/123/
abc/12*/**/*.js -> abc/
abc -> abc/
npm install foreach-cli
Command Line
foreach -g <glob> -x <command to execute>
Command Line Options:
-g, --glob Specify the glob
-i, --ignore Glob ignore pattern(s)
-x, --execute Command to execute upon file addition/change
-c, --forceColor Force color TTY output (pass --no-c to disable)
-t, --trim Trims the output of the command executions to only show the first X characters of the output
-C, --concurrent Execute commands concurrently (pass --no-C to disable)
-h Show help
--version Show version number
Executing Command Placeholders
"path" - full path and filename
"root" - file root
"dir" - path without the filename
"reldir"- directory name of file relative to the glob provided
"base" - file name and extension
"ext" - just file extension
"name" - just file name
Command Line:
foreach -g "**/*.tar" -x "tar xvf #{path}"
foreach -g "*/*.jpg" -x "convert #{path}.jpg #{dir}/#{name}.converted.png"