0.1.6 • Published 7 years ago

relike-redux-middleware v0.1.6

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Redux middleware for interfacing with ReLike, the decentralized public liking service, powered by Ethereum.


This middleware uses ReLikeUtils under the hood to send transactions to the ReLike smart contract on Ethereum. Please see documentation for ReLikeUtils on GitHub.


To install the middleware, simply import it and add it to your list of middlewares.

import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import ReLikeMiddleware from 'relike-redux-middleware';

import rootReducer from '../reducers/index';

const store = createStore(

The middleware will dispatch actions that are prefixed with @@RELIKE/.

Meta Actions

This library exports a set of "meta actions" that you will use to trigger the middleware to cause a transaction on the ReLike service and dispatch a series of start and success/error actions.

Here's an example meta action, which uses Date.now() to add a timestamp when it creates the action, so you can identify it later:

const action = {
  type: '@@RELIKE/LIKE',
  payload: {
    entityId: 'ReLike',
    timestamp: 1501802668772,

The middleware swallows the meta action and dispatches a "start" action, like so:

const startAction = {
  type: '@@RELIKE/LIKE_START',
  payload: {
    entityId: 'ReLike',
    timestamp: 1501802668772,

This is followed by a success or error action, depending on if the transaction is successful or not:

const successAction = {
  meta: {
    entityId: 'ReLike',
    timestamp: 1501802668772,
  payload: {
    result: { /* transaction object */ },

// or

const errorAction = {
  error: true,
  type: '@@RELIKE/LIKE_ERROR',
  meta: {
    entityId: 'ReLike',
    timestamp: 1501802668772,
  payload: { /* Error object */ },

Passing actions to components

These meta actions can be passed to components via a connected container, in idiomatic Redux style:

// MyContainer.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { ReLikeMetaActions } from 'relike-redux-middleware;'

import MyComponent from '../components/MyComponent';

const mapDispatchToProps = {
  dislike: ReLikeMetaActions.dislike,
  getLikeCount: ReLikeMetaActions.getLikeCount,
  getMyRating: ReLikeMetaActions.getMyRating,
  like: ReLikeMetaActions.like,
  unDislike: ReLikeMetaActions.unDislike,
  unLike: ReLikeMetaActions.unLike,

export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(MyComponent);

For a full list of meta actions please see ReLikeMetaActions.js.

Handling the actions dispatched by the middelware

To handle the individual actions in your reducers, This library exports a ReLikeActionTypes object. You can import this into your reducers and manipulate your state as you see fit.

import { Map } from 'immutable';
import { ReLikeActionTypes } from 'relike-redux-middleware';

export default function pendingLikes(state = Map(), action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ReLikeActionTypes.LIKE_START:
      return state.set(action.payload.entityId, true);
    case ReLikeActionTypes.LIKE_ERROR:
    case ReLikeActionTypes.LIKE_SUCCESS:
      return state.set(action.payload.entityId, false);
      return state;

For a full list of action types please see actionTypes.js.

Listening for events

When the middleware is instantiated, it will start listening and dispatch actions for two kinds of events:

  1. The primary account of the user has been switched:

    const accountChangedEvent = {
      payload: {
        newAccount: 0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567,
  2. A new "like" has been placed on the service:

    const newLikeEvent = {
      type: '@@RELIKE/NEW_LIKE_EVENT',
      payload: {
        dislikes: 2,
        entityId: 'ReLike',
        likes: 7,
        rating: 1,
        user: 0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567,

    The possible ratings are:

    0 = UNRATED
    1 = LIKE
    2 = DISLIKE

7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago