0.2.0 • Published 5 years ago

reloader-injector v0.2.0

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5 years ago


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A Node.js module to insert a <script> into an HTML, which helps reloading the document or its styles automatically

In most cases there is no need to use this module directly. Developers would rather use a higher-level wrapper content-reloader.


Use npm.

npm install --save-dev reloader-injector


const ReloaderInjector = require('reloader-injector');

class ReloaderInjector(option)

option: Object

It creates an reloaderInjector instance.


Type: string URL
Default: '/sse'

A URL at which the client script will open a connection to the server.

This module expects the server to serve no contents other than reloader-injector-related ones under this URL. If the server will respond to requests whose URLs begin with /sse, change the value of this option.


response: http.ServerResponse

If the media type of the response is text/html, it inserts a <script> tag into the response body as the first child of <body>. The src attribute of the <script> points to the first key of reloaderInjector.clients.


response: http.ServerResponse

If the media type of the response is text/html, it inserts a <script> tag into the response body as the first child of <body>. The src attribute of the <script> points to the second key of reloaderInjector.clients.


Type: Map<string: Buffer>

This Map contains two Buffers: the first value is a JavaScript code generated by the main function of reloader-client, and the second one is a JavaScript code generated by the .legacy() method of reloader-client.


Type: string

A pathname of the URL corresponding to the url option.

const reloaderInjector = new ReloaderInjector();

reloaderInjector.clients; /*=> Map {
  '/sse-95f0ec37f24542c2547b712a060e43af.js' => <Buffer 63 6f 6e 73 ...>,
  '/sse-eb33250679b5d5c862ed2286a2c95e75.js' => <Buffer 2f 2a 2a 20 ...>
} */


Type: string

The same values as reloader-client's.


1. Inject a <script> tag to an HTML Response using .injectScriptTag() (or .injectLegacyScriptTag() for Microsoft browsers).

const reloaderInjector = new ReloaderInjector();

const server = createServer(({url}, res) => {
  res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html');
  res.end('<!doctype html><html lang="en"> ... some contents ... </html>');

2. Serve JavaScript of reloaderInjector.clients using its keys as a pathname of endpoints.

const server = createServer(({url}, res) => {
+   for (const [clientUrl, body] of reloaderInjector.clients) {
+     if (url === clientUrl) {
+       res.writeHead(200, {
+         'content-type': 'application/javascript',
+         'content-length': body.length
+       });
+       res.end(body);
+       return;
+     }
+   }

3. Whenever a reload should be performed, send a server-sent event to the client in the following form:

id: <any>
data: <ReloaderInjector.DOCUMENT_RELOAD_SIGNAL|ReloaderInjector.CSS_RELOAD_SIGNAL>


ISC LICENSE © 2019 Shinnosuke Watanabe