0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

remark-gh-contributors v0.1.0

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6 years ago

remark-gh-contributors wip

Asynchronous remark plugin to inject GitHub contributors into a markdown table. Pulls contributors from the GitHub API, augments it with metadata found in options, a module or package.json and calls remark-contributors to render the markdown table.

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Table of Contents


With remark-cli, modifying a markdown file in place (-o):

GITHUB_TOKEN=xx remark --use remark-gh-contributors README.md -o

If no token is provided, the plugin is a noop. The GitHub repository URL is taken from a nearby package.json.


Injecting a contributors section is opt-in: if a ## Contributors heading is not found in the markdown (case- and level-insensitive), the plugin is a noop. It differs from remark-contributors in this regard.

If the plugin is run on a README.md (case- and extension-insensitive), it will render the top 10 contributors. Otherwise it renders all contributors - for example to a CONTRIBUTORS.md file.

What you might want to do: prior to running remark, add a # Contributors heading to a CONTRIBUTORS.md but not to README.md. This way you can use the same pipeline (possibly with other plugins) on both files, only injecting contributors into one:

remark --use remark-gh-contributors README.md CONTRIBUTORS.md -o


To augment or override GitHub user profile data, configure the plugin in your package.json:

"remarkConfig": {
  "plugins": {
    "remark-gh-contributors": <options>

Where options is either:

  • An object in the form of { contributors };
  • A module id (or path to a file) that exports contributors or { contributors }. Resolved relative to the cwd of the markdown file or process.cwd() if it doesn't resolve.

An an example, level-js uses metadata stored in level-community:

"remarkConfig": {
  "plugins": {
    "remark-gh-contributors": "level-community"

Alternatively, add the metadata inline:

"remarkConfig": {
  "plugins": {
    "remark-gh-contributors": {
      "contributors": [
        { "name": "Sara", "github": "sara" }

The contributors value should be either:

  • An array in the form of [{ github: 'vweevers', name: 'Vincent Weevers' }];
  • An object in the form of { vweevers: { name: 'Vincent Weevers' } }.

Package Metadata

You can also add metadata to the author or contributors fields in package.json. For example:

"author": {
  "name": "Sara",
  "github": "sara",
  "twitter": "sara"

Supported Metadata

  • name: overrides the name from the GitHub profile
  • twitter: a twitter username or URL




With npm do:

npm install remark-gh-contributors


Vincent Weevers@vweevers@vweevers


MIT © 2018-present Vincent Weevers