0.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

remark-plugin-colocate-images v0.2.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Co-Locate Images

The Problem

You want to store images with your content for example content/posts/post-slug/image.jpg but that path isn't part of your final build. You either have to move your images to a path under public which results in content being split, otherwise you need to base64 encode them as data urls.

The Solution

remark-plugin-colocate-images fixes this by copying images from your content path to a spcified folder. Allowing you use ./image.jpg in your markdown which gets replaced with /img/image.jpg in the compiled output.


npm-install --save remark-plugin-colocate-images

Where ever you compile your markdown add a remark plugin like so:

import remark from 'remark'
import {colocateImagesPlugin} from "../remark-plugin-colocate-images"

const result = await remark()
    diskRoot: '/path/to/post/directory', // Where on the disk is the posts content, e.g. index.md and image.jpg
    diskReplace: '/path/to/public/directory/img', // Where on the disk should files be copied to
    urlReplace: '/img/', // Needs the trailing slash, replaces `./` in the image path.


colocateImagesPlugin takes a few arguments:

diskRoot-Yes (unless using handleImage)Where on the disk is the content stored
diskReplacepath.join(process.cwd(), 'public', 'img')NoWhere should images be copied to.
search/^\.\//NoThe Regex pattern to determine if an image should be copied.
urlReplace/public/img/NoThe Url to replace search with.
handleImageundefinedNoSee Below


Al alternative to specifying replacements is handleImage. You can supply a function that returns either a string or a Promise that returns a string.

The returned string in either approach needs to be the new image source for the outputted html

Supplying a handleImage skips the usual file copy mechanism and instead relies entirely on your implementation.

For example:

  handleImage: async (src) => {
    const cdnSrc = await myCDN.upload(src)

    return cdnSrc