remark-preset-lint-metarhia v2.0.1
Opinionated remark-lint preset, originated from the config used in metarhia-jstp and decoupled into a separate and shareable one.
npm i -D remark-cli remark-preset-lint-metarhia
Create .remarkrc
"plugins": ["remark-preset-lint-metarhia"]
and create an npm script to run
remark .
Please adhere to Conventional Commits styleguide for commit messages
(npm install
creates a Git hook that lints your commit messages, and they are
also checked on CI, but please write them properly beforehand so that they don't
get rejected. If that happens locally while committing, though, don't worry,
your commit message isn't lost, you can still find it in .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
Collaborators can release new versions using
npm run release
git push origin master --follow-tags
npm publish
This will update the version in package.json
and package-lock.json
according to semantic versioning using commit messages to determine whether it
is a patch, minor or major release, update the changelog, tag the new version
in Git, and publish it to npm registry.
MIT. See the LICENSE file for details.