0.3.0 • Published 2 years ago

remark-table-comparify v0.3.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Plugin for Remark to perform comparisons in a table by assigning values and calculating scores.



npm install remark-table-comparify


import { remark } from 'remark';
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';  /* Needs remark-gfm */
import remarkTC from 'remark-table-comparify';

const file = 'Todo.md';

const remarked = await remark()
    .use(remarkGfm) /* Be sure to use the remark-gfm plugin before */
    .use(remarkTC, opts)

if (remarked.data.tableComparify.altered) {
  /* A table was found and altered */


  • Install Remark CLI, Remark GFM, and this plugin globally:

    npm i -g remark-cli remark-gfm remark-table-comparify
  • Run:

    remark . --use remark-gfm --use remark-table-comparify --output

VS Code

Doesn't work yet because this plugin uses ESM but VSCode/Electron doesn't (yet). Shall be fixed by electron#21457👀👍. Once resolved,


  • opts [object] Options
  • opts.operations [object] Operations in the form of: { ['+']: (a, b) => a + b }
  • opts.resultSymbol [string='='] Symbol used to identify results column. E.g.: …| =result |…
  • opts.modifierSeparator [string=':'] Symbol used to identify modifiers. E.g.: …| +col:*2 |…
  • opts.defaultSeparator [string='?'] Symbol used to identify default value. E.g.: …| +col?1 |…

file.data.tableComparify is populated with:

  • found [boolean] If a table was found
  • altered [boolean] If a table was altered


Imagine you're a cute fuzzy bunny with an evil plan to take over the forest and establish your BoingoSnax empire.

A simple Todo list won't do. You use something like the Eisenhower Method to fine-tune your plan by assigning Urgency/Importance points to each task.

This plugin can then help you calculate the score!

| Task                     | +Urgency:*10 | +Importance | +Significance | Effort | =Score |
| :----------------------- | -----------: | ----------: | ------------: | -----: | -----: |
| Take down Muffin Man     |           10 |          10 |             1 |      4 |    111 |
| Ruin Red                 |            9 |           9 |             2 |      5 |    101 |
| Act cute & fuzzy         |            8 |           8 |             3 |      1 |     91 |
| Steal Recipe Book!!      |            7 |           7 |             4 |     10 |     81 |
| Send Wolf on goose chase |            6 |           6 |             5 |      3 |     71 |
| Pick up dry cleaning     |            5 |           5 |             6 |      2 |     61 |
| Pay evil ski team        |            4 |           4 |             7 |      1 |     51 |
| Pay gas bill             |            3 |           3 |             8 |      2 |     41 |
| Call mom                 |            2 |           2 |             9 |      1 |     31 |
| Finish lair              |            1 |           1 |            10 |     10 |     21 |
  • Mathematical operators: It looks for mathematical operation symbols: +, -, *, / prefixed in the header row of columns and uses them to calculate the final result.

  • Result: The final result is saved in the column with a = sign in its header.

  • Modifiers: It looks for modifiers in the header suffixed with a : to further modify the score.

  • Defaults: It looks for a default value (with ?n) to use for empty cell


HeaderWhat it does
+ImportanceAdds the value of cells of that column to the corresponding result column.
+Urgency:*10Adds 10 times the value of that column
+Effort?0Uses 0 as the default value (if absent/empty)
=ScoreSets the result column.