1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

remarkably-simple-tags v1.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


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Provides the {@plugin[: parameters [parameters...]]} syntax to remarkable, allowing you to easily create your own tags including tags to embed rich content in your documents as defined by any given plugins.

Forked from remarkable-embeded. Credits to Commander-lol for most of the code

Try in your browser with RunKit+npm

By default remarkably-simple-tags comes with two plugins: One for youtube videos and one for codepen.io pens.

Creating new plugins is also super simple - The Youtube plugin showcases a straight forward embed and the Codepen plugin showcases usage of the remarkable options object


npm install --save remarkably-simple-tags

Usage - Code

This module is not built with transpiled/es6, but the examples are simpler with such

import Remarkable from 'remarkable';
import { Plugin as RST, extensions } from 'remarkably-simple-tags';

const md = new Remarkable()

const rst = new RST()
rst.register('youtube', extensions.youtube)

md.render('This vid is gr8 m8 {@youtube: dQw4w9WgXcQ}')

// Output: '<p>This vid is gr8 m8 </p><iframe type="text/html" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ" frameborder="0"></iframe>'

Plugins can also be registered by passing an object to Embed#register(), in which case they will all be registered by the key in the object.

  youtube: extensions.youtube

The extensions object provided alongside remarkably-simple-tags can also be passed directly to register to use all of the built in extensions.


Usage - Markdown

Plugins extend the markdown syntax by adding constructs of the form {[name[: parameter[ parameters...]]}, where name is the name used to register the plugin with remarkably-simple-tags and parameter(s) is the space-separated information that will be passed to the plugin. Parameters can be quoteed to include spaces and quotes and curly braces should be escaped with \. The example youtube extension takes either the full embed link or the video id.

Extensions - Built in


  • meta:
  • Video code (e.g. dQw4w9WgXcQ)
  • Full embed link (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/embed/wsQGwDy1lvg)

Extensions - Creating

A remarkable-embed plugin is a simple function with the signature plugin(parameters[, opts]) where parameters is and array of the parameters separated by whitespace captured by the markdown tag, and options is the options object that was passed to the Remarkable parser when it was created.

If your plugin is built for remarkable-embed, pass true as the third parameter when registering the plugin.

const myplugin = (slug, opts) => {
  return 'Something cool: ' + slug;

rst.register('mytag', myplugin, true);