1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

remix-auth-strava-strategy v1.0.1

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2 years ago


The Strava strategy is used to authenticate users against a Strava account. It extends the OAuth2Strategy.

Supported runtimes

RuntimeHas Support
Cloudflarenot yet tested


This strategy is used with the remix-auth package. Make sure to follow their instructions on how to use a strategy.

A minimal working example can be found in the examples folder.

Create an OAuth application

Follow the steps on the Strava documentation to create a new application and get a client ID and secret.

Create the strategy instance

import { StravaStrategy } from 'remix-auth-strava-strategy'

let strategy = new StravaStrategy(
    clientID: 'your-client-id', //required
    clientSecret: 'your-client-secret', //required
    redirectURI: 'your-url/auth/strava/callback', //required
    approvalPrompt: 'force', // optional, defaults to 'auto'
    scope: ['read', 'activity:read'], // optional, defaults to ['read']
  async ({ accessToken, extraParams, profile, refreshToken, context }) => {
    // Get the user data from your DB or API using the tokens and profile
    return User.findOrCreate({ id: profile.id })

  • scope is an array of strings. The default scope is ['read']. The available scopes are: read read_all profile:read_all profile:write activity:read activity:read_all activity:write.

  • approvalPrompt is a string. The default value is 'auto'. The available values are: auto force.

Refer to the Strava documentation for more information on the scopes and approval prompt.

Setup your routes

// app/routes/login.tsx
export default function Login() {
  return (
    <Form action='/auth/strava' method='post'>
      <button>Login with Strava</button>
// app/routes/auth/strava.tsx
import type { ActionArgs } from '@remix-run/node'
import { redirect } from '@remix-run/node'
import { authenticator } from '~/auth.server'

export async function loader() {
  return redirect('/login')

export async function action({ request }: ActionArgs) {
  return authenticator.authenticate('strava', request)
// app/routes/auth/strava/callback.tsx
import type { LoaderArgs } from '@remix-run/node'
import { authenticator } from '~/auth.server'

export async function loader({ request }: LoaderArgs) {
  return authenticator.authenticate('strava', request, {
    successRedirect: '/dashboard',
    failureRedirect: '/login',