0.7.1 • Published 1 year ago

remix-router-turbo v0.7.1

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1 year ago

Remix Router Turbo npm package build


At work we have a 6 years old reasonably big rails app. It powers quite a successful service while being run by a small team. It's an old school, server rendered rails app. The team is not interested at all in migrating to a JavaScript framework. But we do have some pieces of the app that requires dynamic components. Recently we introduced hotwired/turbo into our code base and it is quite a success. The team likes a lot the minimal JavaScript API surface. But turbo has problems. Those problems are very similar to the ones solved by @remix-run/router. The main one is coordinating multiple submitting forms on one page without full reloads.


This is a first attempt to replace turbo-drive with remix based router. It does several things:

  • intercepts click and submit events to navigate with client router
  • use morphdom to render pages
  • bypass remix routing if data-turbo="false" is set on links and forms
  • provide a directive to register fetchers (data-turbo-fetcher)
  • provide a directive to submit forms on changes (data-turbo-submit-on-change)
  • provide a directive to revalidate pages (data-turbo-revalidate)
  • in fetcher responses, accepts turbo-stream format and bypass revalidation in those cases
  • if data-turbo-method is used on <a> it will submit the link instead of navigating
  • if data-turbo-disabled is used on <input>, <select> or <button> it will atomatically disable them during submission
  • if data-turbo-confirm is used on <a> or <form> it will ask for confirmation before submitting/navigating


remix rails demo


With yarn

yarn add remix-router-turbo

With npm

npm install remix-router-turbo


In order to use this router you need to generate (or write) a JSON array of all the routes exposed by your server. You must add method to route handles in order for router to register loaders and actions. No nested routing for now – we might explore the possibility later but it will require a much more involved server. All the requests to your server will have a header x-requested-with: remix. In order for redirects to work properly you must respond with a 204 and a x-remix-redirect: <url> header instead of the usual 30* and a location: <url> header.

Most of the library is implemented as a collection of directives. They are similar to stimulus controllers.

import { createBrowserTurboRouter, RouteObject } from 'remix-router-turbo';

const routes: RouteObject[] = [
    path: '/',
    id: 'root',
    handle: { method: 'get' }
    path: '/login',
    id: 'login',
    handle: { method: ['get', 'post'] }

const router = createBrowserTurboRouter({ routes, debug: true });

    <div data-turbo="false">

      <li id="item_1">
        <form data-turbo-fetcher>
      <li id="item_2">
        <form data-turbo-fetcher>

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