1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

repldb v1.0.2

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3 years ago
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Replit Database Client

Repldb is a sync/async client for the Replit Database. If you are looking for an official client, check out this: @replit/database

The Replit Database is a key-value storage system built into every Replit repl. It can be used to store data more privately than say, a database directly in the repl's files (By default files are public).

Table of contents

Geting a URL

As the database is HTTP-based, you need a URL for it to connect to. If you are running this module inside a repl, you don't have to worry about this section, and can initiate the database without a URL.

Otherwise, you need to open/create a repl, click "Shell" (at the top of the large black window), and run the following command:


You can then use the output to access your database outside of Replit.

Keep your URL private - it gives full access to all of the data you've put in it.

Note that the URL will change every so often.


As this is a very new package, there may be bug fixes required for it to work properly. It's not guaranteed to be completely stable.


Run the following command:

npm i repldb

Then, to import it:

const repldb = require('repldb');

The exported item is the database client.


const Repldb = require('replit.db');
const db = new Repldb(`https://kv.replit.com/v0/abcdefg12345678ThisIsNotARealURL`);
// Example is not a repl, so we need the URL

db.download(); // Download the database for faster operations
db.setSync('connected', true);
db.getSync('connected'); // true

db.setSync('restarts', 1)

process.exit() // After restarting, we'll have our program skip to where it left off

db.getSync('connected'); // Still true
db.getSync('restarts') // 1
db.deleteSync('restarts') // true


Links refering to the below topics will appear in the documentation to signal that they are relevant.

Sync and Async

Some functions have async support, such as repldb.set. You can run these function in sync mode instead appending "Sync" to the function name:

set => setSync

If you want the functions to always run in sync mode (as in, without the "Sync" suffix), use the following require statement:



The module caches (stores) the values of keys when they are set or retrieved from the database for an overall faster experience. However, this means that if the database if modified externally (not by the same client), the cache will be storing an old version of the key/value pair. Therefore, it is recommended to update the cache frequently through one of the following:

  • Use the repldb.download method
  • Turn off the cache:

    repldb.doCache = false

  • Force an API request when fetching key/value pairs:

    repldb.get('key', true)


repldb has an optional dependency of sync-fetch. If sync-fetch isn't installed, it will fall back and attempt to use your terminal's curl command.


When requiring the module, the repldb class will be returned. It can be used to access a database and edit it.

repldb Class


new repldb()
PropertiesMethodsSync-only MethodsEvents


.cache Property (Map)

The cache - used to store values so that they don't need to be redownloaded.

.size Property (Number)

The number of keys in the database

.doCache Property (Boolean)

Controls default caching behavior

Async/Sync Methods

.get Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: get(key, force = false, cache = this.doCache, raw = false)

Retrieve an item from a key in the database.

Returns the value of the key retrieved

  • key String : The key of the item to retrieve
  • force Boolean : Skip the cache check and force an API request
  • cache Boolean : Save the result to the cache
  • raw Boolean : Return the raw JSON response for debugging
const db = new Repldb();

// Async

db.get('users').then((users) => {
  if (users.includes("Phil")) console.log('Phil is registered!');

// Sync

let users = db.getSync('users');
if (users.includes("Phil")) console.log('Phil is registered!');

.set Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: set(key, value, cache = this.doCache)

Set an item to a key in the database

Returns the repldb

  • key String : The key to store the value in
  • value SafeValue : The value to store
  • cache Boolean : Cache the updated value
const db = new Repldb();

// Async

myWebsite.on('connection', () => {
  db.get('visits').then( async (visits) => {
    console.log(`${visits} visits.`);
    await db.set('visits', visits);

// Sync

myWebsite.on('connection', () => {
  let visits = db.getSync('visits').
  console.log(`${visits} visits.`);
  db.setSync('visits', visits);

.delete Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: delete(key)

Delete a key/value pair from the database

Returns true if the value existed, and false if it didn't

  • key String : The key to delete
const db = new Repldb();

// Async

db.get('user-123456').then( async (user) => {
  if (user.username === "Phil") {
    console.log('Goodbye, Phil!');
    await db.delete('user-123456');

// Sync

let user = db.getSync('user-123456');
if (user.username === "Phil") {
  console.log('Goodbye, Phil!');

.keys Method (Async)

Usage: keys()

Returns an array of every key in the database

repldb.keysSync() // e.g. ["hello", "foo", "keyNumberThree"]

.entries Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: entries(force = true, cache = this.doCache)

Returns an array of every key/value pair in the database

  • force Boolean : Skip the cache and make an API request
  • cache Boolean : Cache any updated values
repldb.entriesSync() // e.g. [["hello", "hey"], ["foo", "oof"], ["keyNumberThree", 3]]

.values Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: entries(force = true, cache = this.doCache)

Returns an array of every value in the database, without their respective key

  • force Boolean : Skip the cache and make an API request
  • cache Boolean : Cache any updated values
repldb.valuesSync() // e.g. ["hey", "oof", 3]

.has Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: has(key, force = true, cache = this.doCache)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the key provided exists in the database

  • key String : The key to search for
  • force Boolean : Skip the cache and make an API request
  • cache Boolean : Cache any updated values
if (!repldb.hasSync('Phil')) throw new ReferenceError("Could not find Phil!");

.clear Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: clear()

Deletes every key/value pair from the database, permanently

Returns the repldb

// Say we have a lot of useless keys and we want a fresh start
replitdb.clear().then(() => {
  /* Do something with your new cleaned-out database */

.download Method (Async, Cache)

Usage: download(condition = () => true)

Downloads and caches the portion of the database the meets the conditions, for faster key access

The following arguments are supplied to the condition: 1. key String : The key of this key/value pair 2. value Any : The value of this key/value pair 3. index Number : The index of this key/value pair

Returns the repldb.

  • condition Function : The condition to run on each key before storing in the cache
const repldb = new repldb();

repldb.getSync('hello'); // The value for this key is likely already known, so it can be accessed faster.

repldb.getSync('hello', true); // Skipping the cache makes accessing keys slower, but can have its benefits.

Sync Methods

.forEach Method (Cache)

Usage: forEach(callback, thisArg, force = false, cache = this.doCache)

Runs a function for each item with the following arguments as input: 1. key String : The key of the key/value pair 2. value Any : The value of the key/value pair 3. index Number : The index of this key/value pair

Returns the repldb.

  • callback Function : The function to run on each item
  • thisArg Any : The value of the "this" variable
  • force Boolean : Download all keys from the API instead of relying on the cache
  • cache Boolean : Cache any new values
let users = 0;
repldb.forEach((key) => {
  if (key.startsWith('user-')) ++users;


.toMap Method

Usage: toMap()

Downloads the database and converts it to a map. Skips any caching functions - see download if you would like to cache the database.

Returns a Map containing the values of the database


Listeners can be added/removed with the repldb.events.on/.off method (or their aliases repldb.on/.off) See Events for more info.

download Event

Sent when content is downloaded from the database

  • key String : The key downloaded
  • value String : The raw JSON value downloaded
repldb.on('download', (key) => {
  console.log(key + ' was downloaded.');

upload Event

Sent when content is uploaded to the database (when keys are set)

  • key String : The key uploaded
  • value String : The raw JSON value uploaded

safeValue Any

One of several types that can be stored in JSON format. See JSON.parse and JSON.stringify.

// Safe objects can be stringified, then parsed, and stay the same
function isOK(input) {
  let parsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(input));
  return (input === parsed);

isOK(Buffer.from('hello')) // false
isOK([1, 2, "three"]) // true

let circular = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2
circular.c = circular;

isOK(circular) // TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

Version History

  • 1.0.0 - Release
  • 1.0.1 - General readme.md fixes
  • 1.0.2 - Fixed repldb.prototype.download() not storing raw data, and therefore fixed data being parsed twice
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