2.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

replicated-list v2.0.0

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Last release
9 years ago


ReplicatedList is an Array/List-like structure, but with helper methods that make it easy to replicate it's state from one list to the next. Even across the network!

Basic List Example

var ReplicatedList = require('replicated-list');

// Initial state can be passed during construction
var list = new ReplicatedList(['some', 'initial', 'items']);


console.log(list.get(1)); // initial

console.log(list.pop()); // fourthvalue

console.log(list.shift()); // some

Pretty standard stuff for a list type. Here's what makes this one interesting though.

Replication Example


var list = new ReplicatedList();


// Start replicating
list.replicate(function(type, index, item) {
	// This function will be called every time
	// there's a new command to replicate

	// Just pretend we set this network connection up earlier
	network.write(JSON.stringify([type, index, item]));

// All mutating commands will be replicated to the follower
// keeping it in a consistent state with this one


var list = new ReplicatedList();

// Again, just pretend
network.on('data', function(message) {
	message = JSON.parse(message);

	list.mutate(message[0], message[1], message[2]);

// list will now follow the leader at the other end of the
// network stream and stay in sync with it

// Give it some time to replicate
setTimeout(function() {
	console.log(list.length); // 2

	console.log(list.get(0)); // another_new_element

	console.log(list.get(1)); // 0
}, 100);


You may also listen to changes in the list for arbitrary purposes.

list.replicate(function(type, index, item) {
	// type will be 'add' or 'remove'
	switch(type) {
	case 'add':
		addElementToView(item, index);
	case 'remove':


  • .push(value) - Pushes a value onto the end of the list
  • .pop() - Removes and returns the last value in the list
  • .unshift(value) - Adds a value to the beginning of the list
  • .shift() - Removes and returns the first element in the list
  • .splice(startIndex, count, elements...) - Removes count elements starting at startIndex while adding additional elements
  • .clear() - Clears all elements from the list
  • .forEach(fn) - fn(value, index) is executed once for each item in the list
  • .map(fn) - fn(value, index) is executed once for each item in the list returning an array of the results of fn
  • .mutate(type, index, item) - Performs the given mutating on this list
  • .replicate(fn) - Calls fn(type, key, value) once for each mutate event needed to replicate the state of this list to another list


The method used to stream data must carry the messages IN ORDER. If the messages are out of order the accuracy of the replication cannot be guaranteed. Imagine doing push 3 and push 7. If they are out of the order the older the array contents will be out of order as well.

Do not call the mutating methods on a following list, this will result in the follower getting out of sync with the leader.

This module depends on Set being available, so if you are targeting a browser without support for Set you may need to require('core-js/fn/set') the polyfill.