1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

reshape-standard-markdown-temp v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago


This is a temporary hack of the real reshape-standard package - waiting on a Pull request to go through to support markdown-it plugins and options.

A standard, opinionated plugin pack for reshape

Note: This project is in early development, and versioning is a little different. Read this for more details.


npm install reshape-standard -S

Note: This project is compatible with node v6+ only


The standard plugin pack includes plugins that cover all the features needed from a modern template engine. Below is an example of a page utilizing many of the features:

doctype html
    title Standard Example
    h1 Hello world!

      li.active: a(href='#') home
      li: a(href='#') about


    p local variable: {{ foo }}

    each(loop='item of items')
        p {{ item.name }}
        p item with no name!

    p(mdi) **Look** at this [markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)

Note that it is easily possible to configure any of the options. If you don't like the whitespace syntax, you can flip it off with parser: false and use the same features with standard <html> syntax. If you don't like the {{ }} delimiters, you can quickly and easily change them. See the options below for more!


This is nothing more than a light wrapper around a reshape configuration object. Options are filtered into their appropriate plugins internally. All are optional.

const reshape = require('reshape')
const standard = require('reshape-standard')

reshape(standard(/* options */))
  .then((res) => console.log(res.output()))

By default, the standard plugin pack includes:

Based on the way they are ordered there are a couple limitations to keep in mind:

  • You cannot use a layout block/extend inside of an include
  • Any expression delimiters rendered from a content or retext transform will be output as plaintext, not as an expression
  • Output from a content transform will be processed by retext in that order

Any of these plugins can be customized by passing options described below.


rootRoot path used to resolve layouts and includes
filenameName of the file being compiled, used for error traces and as the include/layout root if not otherwise provided
delimitersDelimiters used for html-escaped expressions['{{', '}}']
unescapeDelimitersDelimiters used for unescaped expressions['{{{', '}}}']
markdownOptions passed in to markdown-it constructor{ typographer: true, linkify: true }
contentOptions passed to the reshape-content plugin{ md: renderMarkdown, mdi: renderMarkdownInline }
parsercustom html parser if desired. pass false to use the default html parsersugarml
retextPlugins to be passed to the reshape-retext plugin[smartypants] (ref)
localsAdded directly to the output object, used when compiling a reshape template to html{}
aliasAlias option to be passed to the include plugin
parserRulesParser rules to be passed to the include plugin
minifyMinifies the html output by removing excess spaces and line breaksfalse
appendPluginsAdds a single plugin or array of plugins after all the defaults
prependPluginsAdds a single plugin or array of plugins before all the defaults

Markdown Rendering Functions

There are two markdown rendering shortcut functions provided with this plugin pack: md and mdi. The md function will run a full markdown render including wrapping with a paragraph tag, rendering headlines, etc. For example:

  # The title

  Here's some text, wow.

  A second paragraph!

This would work as expected, rendering title and paragraph tags:

<div class='content'>
  <h1>The title</h1>
  <p>Here's some text, wow.</p>
  <p>A second paragraph!</p>

The mdi shortcut is specifically for rendering inline markdown, not including any type of title tags or paragraph wrapping. So for example:

p(mdi) Hello, I am #1 and this is [my link](#).

Would render without additional paragraph wrappings or unexpected title renders:

<p> Hello, I am #1 and this is <a href='#'>my link</a>.

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