0.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

reshuffle-slack-connector v0.0.3

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3 years ago

Reshuffle Slack Connector

npm install reshuffle-slack-connector

Commonjs: const { SlackConnector } = require('reshuffle-slack-connector')

ES6 import: import { SlackConnector } from 'reshuffle-slack-connector'

This connector is designed to interact with Slack API and allow you to post/amend/delete/search messages directly into Slack.

This connector required a Slack App to be configured:

  • Go to https://api.slack.com/apps
  • Click on Create New App
  • Enter a name and select a workspace
  • Click on Create App
  • Click on your new app
  • The signing secret is under Basic Information > App Credentials
  • The token is under Settings > Install App > OAuth Access Token

To create a Slack connector, you need to provide configuration options like this:

interface SlackConnectorConfigOptions {
  token: string
  signingSecret: string
  port?: number
    | string
    | {
        [endpointType: string]: string

Create a new Slack Connector: Token and signingSecret are found at https://api.slack.com/apps/<your_slack_app_id>/event-subscriptions

const app = new Reshuffle()
const slackConnector = new SlackConnector(app, {
token: '<starts with xox>',
signingSecret: '<signing_secret>',
port: '<slack_app_port>', // default port is 3000
endpoints: '<slack_app_endpoints>' // default endpoints is'/'


*event Listening to Slack events such as new messages or new users joining


*postMessage Post a text message to a specified Slack channel or conversation.

*scheduleMessage Schedule a text message to be posted on a specified Slack channel or conversation at a given time.

*updateMessage Update an existing Slack message.

*deleteMessage Delete an existing Slack message.

*searchMessages Search Slack for a message matching a specified query string.

*getWebClient Get Slack Web Client.

*getSlackApp Get Slack Application instance.

*sdk Returns a Slack Application instance, and a Slack web client instance.

Connector Events

Listening to Slack event

To listen to any kind of events happening in Slack, use type SlackEventType.EVENT as event option (see example below) As event option values, pass the Slack Event API type (e.g. 'message') for firing an event on a new message.

'Full list of Slack Event API type'

Your handler receives an event object and Reshuffle app. Example of event object received:

  payload: {
    client_msg_id: "d1f6d102-69a6-49a0-aa35-f6a9f4ffcf04"
    type: "message"
    text: "my message in Slack"
    user: "U01APN2NLVD"
    ts: "1601003324.000400"
    team: "T01B4LHKJ3D"
    channel: "C01AXNBH0QN"
    event_ts: "1601003324.000400"
    channel_type: "channel"
  say: SayFn,
  context: {
    botToken: "xoxb-..."
    botUserId: "U01BU9WD5S4"
    botId: "B01BAL52SP6"
  client: WebClient
const slackConnector = new SlackConnector(app, {
token: '<starts with xox>',
signingSecret: '<signing_secret>',
port: '<slack_app_port>',

// Events
  type: SlackEventType.EVENT,
  values: {
    type: SlackEvents.MESSAGE,
(event, app) => {
  console.log('new message posted on Slack')


To listen to any kind of events happening in Slack, use type SlackEventType.EVENT as event option (see example below) As event option values, pass the Slack Event API type (e.g. 'message') for firing an event on a new message.

'Full list of Slack Event API type'

const slackConnector = new SlackConnector(app, {
token: '<starts with xox>',
signingSecret: '<signing_secret>',
port: '<slack_app_port>',

// Events
  type: SlackEventType.EVENT,
  values: {
    type: SlackEvents.MESSAGE,
(event, app) => {
  console.log('new message posted on Slack')


Connector actions

Post a message to Slack

Slack Documentation 'chat.postMessage'

Required Slack Permissions:

bot: chat:write


  channelId: string,
  text: string,
  msgOptions?: MsgOpts,
) => WebAPICallResult


  as_user?: boolean;
  attachments?: MessageAttachment[];
  blocks?: (KnownBlock | Block)[];
  icon_emoji?: string; // if specified, as_user must be false
  icon_url?: string;
  link_names?: boolean;
  mrkdwn?: boolean;
  parse?: 'full' | 'none';
  reply_broadcast?: boolean; // if specified, thread_ts must be set
  thread_ts?: string;
  unfurl_links?: boolean;
  unfurl_media?: boolean;
  username?: string; // if specified, as_user must be false


await slackConnector.postMessage('<channel_id>', 'Some message!', { mrkdwn: true })

Schedule a message to post on Slack

Slack Documentation 'chat.scheduleMessage'

Required Slack Permissions:

bot: chat:write


  channelId: string,
  postAt: Date,
  text: string,
) => WebAPICallResult


  as_user?: boolean;
  attachments?: MessageAttachment[];
  blocks?: (KnownBlock | Block)[];
  link_names?: boolean;
  parse?: 'full' | 'none';
  reply_broadcast?: boolean; // if specified, thread_ts must be set
  thread_ts?: string;
  unfurl_links?: boolean;
  unfurl_media?: boolean;


await slackConnector.scheduleMessage(
    new Date(Date.now() + 10000), // 10 seconds from current time
    'Scheduled message!',
    { mrkdwn: true },

Update an existing Slack message

Slack Documentation 'chat.update'

Required Slack Permissions:

bot: chat:write


  channelId: string,
  text: string,
  timestamp: string,
  msgOptions?: MsgOpts,
) => WebAPICallResult


  as_user?: boolean;
  attachments?: MessageAttachment[];
  blocks?: (KnownBlock | Block)[];
  icon_emoji?: string; // if specified, as_user must be false
  icon_url?: string;
  link_names?: boolean;
  mrkdwn?: boolean;
  parse?: 'full' | 'none';
  reply_broadcast?: boolean; // if specified, thread_ts must be set
  thread_ts?: string;
  unfurl_links?: boolean;
  unfurl_media?: boolean;
  username?: string; // if specified, as_user must be false


await slackConnector.updateMessage(
  'Some message!',
  { mrkdwn: true },

Delete an existing Slack message

Slack Documentation 'chat.delete'

Required Slack Permissions:

bot: chat:write


(channelId: string, timestamp: string) => WebAPICallResult


await slackConnector.deleteMessage(

Search through messages on Slack

Slack Documentation 'search.messages'

Required Slack Permissions:

user: search:read

Multiple messages will be returned in the case that multiple matches are found for your given query.


(query: string) => WebAPICallResult


await slackConnector.searchMessages('some text to look for')

Get Slack Web Client

Slack Documentation 'web API'

Get Slack Web Client instance to code bespoke solutions


() => WebClient


const webClient = await slackConnector.getWebClient()

// Example:
await webClient.chat.delete({options})

Get Slack Application instance

Slack Documentation 'Creating a Slack App'

Get Slack Application instance for coding advanced features


() => App


const slackApp = await slackConnector.getSlackApp()

// Example:
await slackApp.client.chat.update({options})

Returns Reshuffle Slack sdk

Returns a Slack Application instance, and a Slack web client instance


() => { slackApp: App; webClient: WebClient }


const { slackApp, webClient } = await slackConnector.sdk()

API definitions

Definition of WebAPICallResult

More examples on how to use this connector can be found here.