0.5.0 • Published 5 years ago
resinos-jetson-flash v0.5.0
This tool allows users to flash BalenaOS on Jetson supported devices
This tool is separate into two parts:
- Extract resin-image from a resin-image-flasher (this will be moved to etcher once the fatfs issues are fixed)
- Flash resin-image via USB on a Jetson board (this will be moved to etcher)
Balena devices support
- Nvidia Jetson TX2
- NVidia Jetson NANO (both sd-card and emmc versions)
- NVidia Jetson Xavier
- NVidia Jetson NX
Due to issues with the fatfs node module, which does not support some operations we cannot transfer the following Balena configurations:
- system-proxy
- Linux based host
- Sudo privileges
- A Jetson BalenaOS image
Tool dependencies
- NodeJS (>= v10)
- This tool runs internally the Linux_for_Tegra package that Nvidia provides, so we assume you have all the dependencies for this tool installed.
Getting Started
- Make sure that the Jetson board is pluged to your host via USB and is in recovery mode
- Running the Nvidia flash tool requires sudo priviliges
- This tool will produce all intermidiate steps in
and will require sudo priviliges to delete - If flashing Jetson TX2 with a BalenaOS image older than 2.47, please checkout tag 'v0.3.0'. BalenaOS 2.47 updated L4T version from 28.3 to 32.4.2.
- Current BSP version used for flashing is L4T 32.4.2. Please ensure the BalenaOS version you are flashing uses the same L4T, by consulting the changelog available in the BalenaOS Jetson repository.
Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/balena-os/jetson-flash.git
Run the cli, specifying desired device type:
$ ./bin/cmd.js -f balena.img -m <device_type>
Current supported device types are: jetson-nano-emmc, jetson-nano-qspi-sd, jetson-tx2, jetson-xavier, jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc
If you're having any problems, please raise an issue on GitHub and the balena.io team will be happy to help.
The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.