1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

responsiblejs v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago



ResponsibleJS is a simple project created out of the seeming chaos of the javascript ecosystem. It's easy to come across tutorials and examples with seemingly vast amounts of dependencies without any clear guidance on their purpose of inclusion in the first place.

It's easy to carelessly add items to your package.json before your project even starts, without having any real understanding of their purpose.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the json format, it isn't as easy as adding // or <!----> commments to your package.json to give yourself and current or future team members feedback on why your package.json file is as seemingly bloated or cryptic as it has become.

For example, this is bad json:

  "scripts": {
    "clean": "rimraf build",                //Cleans build directory
    "build": "npm run clean && webpack -p", //Builds (minified) app bundle
    "dev": "webpack-dev-server --open"      //Builds app bundle (in memory) and opens browser to app location
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/react": "^15.0.21",             //Intellisense support for React
    "@types/react-dom": "^0.14.23",         //Intellisense support for ReactDOM
    "awesome-typescript-loader": "^3.1.2",  //Compile TypeScript and Transpile ES2015 to ES5
    "html-webpack-plugin": "^2.28.0",       //Used for automatically attaching webpack bundles to html page during build
    "rimraf": "^2.6.1",                     //Used for cleaning build directory
    "typescript": "^2.2.2",                 //Static typing support, transpilation of ES2015 to ES5
    "webpack": "^2.3.3",                    //Used for building/bundling app
    "webpack-dev-server": "^2.4.2"          //Used for hot reloading of app during development
  "dependencies": {
    "react": "^15.5.4",                     //Used for creating dynamic view layer component, JSX provides strong typing & intellisense support when combined with Typescript
    "react-dom": "^15.5.4"                  //Used for rendering React components in the browser DOM

ResponsibleJS aims to help solve this problem. ResponsibleJS creates a companion responsible.json configuration file to mirror the package.json configuration file, containing comments justifying all the dependencies associated with your project. This configuration file can serve as documentation, as well as providing a real time constraint on getting careless with your project.

ResponsibleJS can monitor this file, giving feedback in your terminal on what dependencies and scripts your project contains that haven't yet been vetted. The idea is to "help you help yourself" (namely your future self), by urging you to ask the question:

"Do I need XYZ? What does XYZ even do?"


ResponsibleJS can be run by the terminal (or included in a script in your package.json), just by entering the following:


By default ResponsibleJS will run in "assert" mode.

In assert mode, ResponsibleJS reads the package.json and responsible.json files looking for undocumented elements. When it finds any, it will throw an error, providing a user friendly outline of all the offending elements in your package.json file.

| Irresponsible 'package.json' found
|    scripts
|        clean
|        build
|        dev
|    devDependencies
|        @types/react
|        @types/react-dom
|        awesome-typescript-loader
|        html-webpack-plugin
|        rimraf
|        typescript
|        webpack
|        webpack-dev-server
|    dependencies
|        react
|        react-dom

By specifying an -r or -refresh flag, ResponsibleJS will run in "refresh" mode.

responsiblejs -r
responsiblejs -refresh
'responsible.json' has been updated to match current 'package.json'

In refresh mode:

  • A new responsible.json file will be created (if it doesn't already exist)
  • The responsible.json file will be initialized with any missing default values
  • Any new elements in package.json will be added to the responsible.json file
  • Any removed/uninstalled dependencies will be wiped from the responsible.json file.


An example of a newly created responsible.json file:

	"purpose": [
		"Annotate all dependencies & scripts with justifications for their existence",
		"If you can't justify it, DON'T depend on it"
	"justify": [
	"minReasoning": 8,
	"scripts": {
		"clean": "",
		"build": "",
		"dev": ""
	"devDependencies": {
		"@types/react": "",
		"@types/react-dom": "",
		"awesome-typescript-loader": "",
		"html-webpack-plugin": "",
		"rimraf": "",
		"typescript": "",
		"webpack": "",
		"webpack-dev-server": ""
	"dependencies": {
		"react": "",
		"react-dom": ""

Looks kind of familiar doesn't it?

The format mimics the package.json file, including a few additional configuration properties:

  • The purpose property is purely syntactic sugar (reminding you why this file is in your project in the first place).
  • The minReasoning property specifies the minimum length of a valid justification comment (by default it is 8 to weed out small 'bs' answers like "because", "bcuz", "abc123", etc)
  • The verify property accepts an array of strings specifying which parts of the package.json to monitor (by default it includes the scripts, devDependencies, and dependencies sections)

An example of a completed responsible.json file:

	"purpose": [
		"Annotate all dependencies & scripts with justifications for their existence",
		"If you can't justify it, DON'T depend on it"
	"justify": [
	"minReasoning": 8,
	"scripts": {
		"clean": "npm run clean -> Cleans build directory",
		"build": "npm run build -> Builds (minified) app bundle",
		"dev": "npm run dev -> Builds app bundle (in memory) and opens browser to app location"
	"devDependencies": {
		"@types/react": "Intellisense support for React",
		"@types/react-dom": "Intellisense support for ReactDOM",
		"awesome-typescript-loader": [
			"Webpack loader responsible for compiling typescript",
			"Uses TypeScript to transpile normal javascript from ES2015 to ES5 (for cross browser compatibility)"
		"html-webpack-plugin": "Used for automatically attaching webpack bundles to html page during build",
		"rimraf": "Used for cleaning build directory",
		"typescript": [
			"Static typing support",
			"Transpiles ES2015 to ES5 (for cross browser compatibility)"
		"webpack": "Used for building/bundling app",
		"webpack-dev-server": "Used for hot reloading of app during development"
	"dependencies": {
		"react": [
			"Used for creating dynamic view layer components",
			"JSX provides strong typing & intellisense support when combined with Typescript"
		"react-dom": "Used for rendering React components in the browser DOM"

ResponsibleJS accepts both strings and arrays of strings (meant to mimic multiline comments) for element justifications.

Now if we run ResponsibleJS with our newly filled out responsible.json file, we shouldn't receive any errors:

All 'package.json' components have been justified

Advanced Usage

The real purpose of ResponsibleJS is to be run in tandem with your normal scripts to prevent you from continuing your normal routine without documenting your intent of your package.json configuration file.

responsiblejs can easily be prefixed into your other scripts like so:

"dev": "responsiblejs && webpack-dev-server --open"

Now when running the dev script, webpack-dev-server won't run without package.json first being properly documented:

PS G:\Programming\react\boilerplate-ts> npm run dev

> @ dev G:\Programming\react\boilerplate-ts
> responsiblejs && webpack-dev-server --open

            throw errorMessage;

| Irresponsible 'package.json' found
|    scripts
|        clean
|        build
|        dev
|    devDependencies
|        @types/react
|        @types/react-dom
|        awesome-typescript-loader
|        html-webpack-plugin
|        rimraf
|        typescript
|        webpack
|        webpack-dev-server
|    dependencies
|        react
|        react-dom

After fixing the responsible.json file, the application will run normally.

PS G:\Programming\react\boilerplate-ts> npm run dev

> @ dev G:\Programming\react\boilerplate-ts
> responsiblejs && webpack-dev-server --open

All 'package.json' components have been justified
Project is running at http://localhost:8080/
webpack output is served from /