1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

responsive-media-queries v1.0.0

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8 years ago



The Breakpoint Mixin

rmq_breakpoint() mixin makes it easy to write media queries. You can use the named breakpoints, or a custom pixel, rem, or em value. To use the mixin, call it with @include, and then include the CSS content you want inside the curly braces. The behavior of the media query can be changed by adding the keyword up, down or only after the breakpoint value, separated by a space. It's also possible to pass in custom values. You can enter a pixel, rem, or em value—all values are converted to em at the end. Lastly, there are three special media queries that are not width-based: portrait, landscape, and retina. Using these keywords with the rmq_breakpoint() mixin will output a media query for device orientation or pixel density, rather than screen width.

.element {
  // Only affects medium screens and larger
  @include rmq_breakpoint(medium) {
    // All CSS in here goes inside the media query
.element {
  // Only affects medium screens and smaller
  @include rmq_breakpoint(medium down) { }
  // Only affects medium screens, not small or large
  @include rmq_breakpoint(medium only) { }
.element {
  // Converted to 20em
  @include rmq_breakpoint(320px) { }
  // Unitless values are assumed to be pixels
  @include rmq_breakpoint(320) { }
  // Converted to 40em
  @include rmq_breakpoint(40rem) { }
.element {
  @include rmq_breakpoint(landscape) {
    // CSS for landscape-oriented devices only
  @include rmq_breakpoint(retina) {
    // CSS for high-resolution displays only


@mixin rmq_aspect-ratio-iphone5-up()
@mixin rmq_aspect-ratio-iphone5()
@mixin rmq_aspect-ratio-iphone6()
@mixin rmq_aspect-ratio-iphone6plus()
@mixin rmq_aspect-ratio-ipad()
@mixin rmq_tv-down()
@mixin rmq_desktop-down()
@mixin rmq_tablet-down()
@mixin rmq_mobile-down()
@mixin rmq_ipad($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_ipad3($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_iphone4($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_iphone5($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_iphone6($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_iphone6plus($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_iphone6plus_only($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_samsung_galaxy_s3($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_samsung_galaxy_s4($pageOrientation)
@mixin rmq_samsung_galaxy_s5($pageOrientation)

HTML Classes:



That the iPhone 5 does not have a 16:9 aspect ratio. It is in fact 40:71.


https://www.adobe.com/products/edge-inspect.html http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-mediaqueries https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queries/Using_media_queries https://www.w3.org/TR/2002/CR-css3-mediaqueries-20020708/ http://andrew.hedges.name/experiments/aspect_ratio/ https://www.apple.com/iphone/compare/