0.5.2 • Published 13 years ago
restizr v0.5.2
Restizr is a lightweight REST layer for NodeJS+ExpressJS+Sequelize: given a Sequelize model, automatically creates the REST end points (GET,PUT,POST,DELETE) at specific URL.
For example, given the model
id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true
username: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
password: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
These simple commands:
```var Restizr = require('restizr');
var rest = new Restizr(app); // ExpressJS app
will create the following REST endpoints:
- GET /api/user: list first 10 records of the table "user". Accepts parameter limit and offset (for example /api/user?limit=20&offset=10)
- GET /api/user/<id>: get the record with primary key <id> from the table "user"
- POST /api/user: create a new entry in the table "user", returns the primary key of the new record
- DELETE /api/user/<id>: delete the record with primary key <id> from the table "user"
- PUT /api/user/<id>: update the record with primary key <id> from the table "user"
Where *id* is the primary key in the MySQL table.
## Options
- basepath(default: '/api'): change here to attach the resource REST API to a specific end point
- engine(default: 'sequelize'): the engine used for the storage, currently only Sequelize in supported
- limit(default: 10): number of records returned while listing
- onBefore,onAfter: middlewares executed at the before each request, this is a good place to check session for securing the calls to APIs
- onBeforeAll,onAfterAll: middlewares execute before and after the listing of the records
- onBeforeGet,onAfterGet:
- onBeforePost,onAfterPost:
- onBeforePut,onAfterPut
- onBeforeDelete,onAfterDelete:
## Using middlewares
Restizr accepts a number of middlewares to be executed before or after the sigle REST operation in order to perform basic operation, for example check credentials of the client or format the output.
## Examples on the real world
## Known issues
Currently the module it's in an alpha stage. Error handling is not well supported.