1.3.1 • Published 1 year ago

restponses v1.3.1

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1 year ago

Get Started

First you need to install the dependency.

npm install restponses

Restponses has been developed totally with typescript, so you don't have to worry about installing any @types dependencies.

Then you will need to import the base methods to generate your response, you have five options for five status codes types:

import { 
  } from "restponses"

Base Methods Parameters

1. StatusCode Param

The most simpliest way to use these methods is entering the only mandatory parameter, this is the status code for your response. In this way, they will return the minimum default values for each status code, for example, look at this request made with express:

  app.get("/potatoes/:id", (req, res) => {
    const {id} = req.params
      //Example 1 (400BadRequest)
      return res.json(Response4xxClientError("400BadRequest"))
    try {
      const potato = dbGetPotato(id)
        // Example 2 (404NotFound)
        return res.json(Response4xxClientError("404NotFound"))
        // Example 3 (200Ok)
        return res.json(Response2xxSuccessful("200Ok"))
    } catch (error) {
      // Example 4 (500InternalServerError)
      return res.json(Responses5xxServerError("500InternalServerError"))

The outputs would be these:

// Example 1
  httpStatus: 400,
  serverMessage: 'Bad Request',
  error: true,
  success: false

// Example 2
  httpStatus: 404,
  serverMessage: 'Not Found',
  error: true,
  success: false

// Example 3
  httpStatus: 200,
  serverMessage: 'OK',
  detail: 'The request has been successfully processed',
  success: true,
  error: false

// Example 4
  httpStatus: 500,
  serverMessage: 'Internal Server Error',
  error: true,
  success: false

2. Input parameter

You can also overwrite the fields serverMessage and detail with custom information using the second parameter: input. You can even add information about the consulted resource, data obtained or details of errors in the same way:

Response1xxInformative("100Continue", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", serverMessage: "/getPotato consulted", detail: "please continue"})

    httpStatus: 100,
    serverMessage: '/getPotato consulted',
    detail: 'please continue',
    consultedResource: '/getPotato'

Response2xxSuccessful("200Ok", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", data: dbResponse, serverMessage: "Potato was found", detail: "now you can eat potato" })

  // Output
    httpStatus: 200,
    serverMessage: 'Potato was found',
    data: {
      id: 45322,
      name: "Yellow potato",
      country: "Peru"
    detail: 'now you can eat potato',
    consultedResource: '/getPotato',
    success: true,
    error: false

  Response3xxRedirection("300MultipleChoices", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", detail: "Potato was found, but you can't eat it now", serverMessage: "Potato was found, now choose one" })

  // Output
    httpStatus: 300,
    serverMessage: 'Potato was found, now choose one',
    detail: "Potato was found, but you can't eat it now",
    consultedResource: '/getPotato'

  Response4xxClientError("404NotFound", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", detail: "Potato was not found", serverMessage: "Potato was not found", errorCode: "404NOTFOUND", errorName: "PotatoNotFound", errorDescription: "Your resource was not found" })
  // Output
    httpStatus: 404,
    serverMessage: 'Potato was not found',
    consultedResource: '/getPotato',
    errors: undefined,
    errorCode: '404NOTFOUND',
    errorName: 'PotatoNotFound',
    errorDescription:'Your resource was not found',
    error: true,
    success: false

  Response5xxServerError("500InternalServerError", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", serverMessage: "Potato was not found due to a server error", errorCode: "500SERVERERROR", errorName: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" })

  // Output
    httpStatus: 500,
    serverMessage: 'Potato was not found due to a server error',
    consultedResource: '/getPotato',
    errorCode: '500SERVERERROR',
    error: true,
    success: false

3. StatusOptions parameter

The third and last parameter, statusOptions params allows you introduce specific field/s related to the status code of your response. For example, if you want to add the url where is your created resource (201), or the not found URL or resource (404), you can simply use the corresponding StatusOption method. You just have to import the class and access the desired method:

import { StatusOptions } from "restponses"

Response2xxSuccessful("201Created", { consultedResource: "/createPotato", serverMessage: "Potato created" }, StatusOptions.Status201Opt("https://potato.api/34"))

    httpStatus: 201,
    serverMessage: 'Potato created',
    detail: 'Resource successfully created',
    consultedResource: '/createPotato',
    success: true,
    error: false,
    location: 'https://potato.api/34'

Base methods

As you read above, Restponses gives you five base methods to generate responses according to the status code to return:

Response1xxInformativeGenerates informative responses with status codes 100
Response2xxSuccessfulGenerates successful responses with status codes 200
Response3xxRedirectionGenerates redirection responses with status codes 300
Response4xxClientErrorGenerates client side error responses with status codes 400
Response5xxServerErrorGenerates server side error responses with status codes 500




Response1xxInformative(statusCode: "100Continue", input: { consultedResource: "potato/getPotato" })

// Output
  httpStatus: 100,
  serverMessage: 'Continue',
  detail: 'Continue with the request',
  consultedResource: 'potato/getPotato'




Output includes success and error fields by default.

Response2xxSuccessful("200Ok", { consultedResource: "/getPotato" })

// Output
  httpStatus: 200,
  serverMessage: 'OK',
  detail: 'The request has been successfully processed',
  consultedResource: '/getPotato',
  success: true,
  error: false

Status options:



Response3xxRedirection("301MovedPermanently", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", detail: "You can found the resource consulting at: '/getPot' endpoint" })

// Output
  httpStatus: 301,
  serverMessage: 'Moved Permanently',
  detail: "You can found the resource consulting at: '/getPot' endpoint",
  consultedResource: '/getPotato'

Status options:




Output includes success and error fields by default.

Response4xxClientError("404NotFound", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", errorCode: "NOT_FOUND_404", detail: "Potato was not found" }, StatusOptions.Status404Opt("Potato n4355"))

// Output
  httpStatus: 404,
  serverMessage: 'Not Found',
  consultedResource: '/getPotato',
  errorCode: "NOT_FOUND_404",
  errorDetails: { notFoundResource: 'Potato n4355' },
  error: true,
  success: false

Status options:




Output includes success and error fields by default.

Response5xxServerError("500InternalServerError", { consultedResource: "/getPotato", errorCode: "500SERVERERROR", errorName: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" })

// Output
  httpStatus: 500,
  serverMessage: 'Internal Server Error',
  consultedResource: '/getPotato',
  errorCode: '500SERVERERROR',
  error: true,
  success: false

Default Responses


// Status100Continue
  httpStatus: 100,
  serverMessage: "Continue",
    "Continue with the request",

// Status101SwitchingProtocols
  httpStatus: 101,
  serverMessage: "Switching Protocols",

// Status102Processing
  httpStatus: 102,
  serverMessage: "Processing",

// Status103EarlyHints
  httpStatus: 103,
  serverMessage: "Checkpoint",


  // Status200OK
    httpStatus: 200,
    serverMessage: "OK",
    detail: "The request has been successfully processed"

  // Status201Created
    httpStatus: 201,
    serverMessage: "Created",
    detail: "Resource successfully created"

  // Status202Accepted
    httpStatus: 202,
    serverMessage: "Accepted",
    detail: "The request has been accepted for processing"

  // Status203NonAuthoritativeInformation
    httpStatus: 203,
    serverMessage: "Non-Authoritative Information",
    detail: "Non-Authoritative Information returned"

  // Status204NoContent
    httpStatus: 204

  // Status205ResetContent
    httpStatus: 205,
    serverMessage: "Reset Content",
    detail: "The request has been successfully processed, but no content is returned"

  // Status206PartialContent
    httpStatus: 206,
    serverMessage: "Partial Content",
    detail: "Partial Content returned"

  // Status207MultiStatus
    httpStatus: 207,
    serverMessage: "Multi-Status",
    detail: "Multi-Status returned"

  // Status208AlreadyReported
    httpStatus: 208,
    serverMessage: "Already Reported",
    detail: "Resource already reported"

  // Status226IMUsed
    httpStatus: 226,
    serverMessage: "IM Used",
    detail: "IM Used"


  // Status300MultipleChoices
    httpStatus: 300,
    serverMessage: "Multiple Choices",

  // Status301MovedPermanently
    httpStatus: 301,
    serverMessage: "Moved Permanently",

  // Status302Found
    httpStatus: 302,
    serverMessage: "Found",

  // Status303SeeOther
    httpStatus: 303,
    serverMessage: "See Other",

  // Status304NotModified
    httpStatus: 304,
    serverMessage: "Not Modified",

  // Status305UseProxy
    httpStatus: 305,
    serverMessage: "Use Proxy",

  // Status307TemporaryRedirect
    httpStatus: 307,
    serverMessage: "Temporary Redirect",

  // Status308PermanentRedirect
    httpStatus: 308,
    serverMessage: "Permanent Redirect",


  // Status400BadRequest
    httpStatus: 400,
    serverMessage: "Bad Request",

  // Status401Unauthorized
    httpStatus: 401,
    serverMessage: "Unauthorized",

  // Status402PaymentRequired
    httpStatus: 402,
    serverMessage: "Payment Required",

  // Status403Forbidden
    httpStatus: 403,
    serverMessage: "Forbidden",

  // Status404NotFound
    httpStatus: 404,
    serverMessage: "Not Found",

  // Status405MethodNotAllowed
    httpStatus: 405,
    serverMessage: "Method Not Allowed",

  // Status406NotAcceptable
    httpStatus: 406,
    serverMessage: "Not Acceptable",

  // Status407ProxyAuthenticationRequired
    httpStatus: 407,
    serverMessage: "Proxy Authentication Required",

  // Status408RequestTimeout
    httpStatus: 408,
    serverMessage: "Request Timeout",

  // Status409Conflict
    httpStatus: 409,
    serverMessage: "Conflict",

  // Status410Gone
    httpStatus: 410,
    serverMessage: "Gone",

  // Status411LengthRequired
    httpStatus: 411,
    serverMessage: "Length Required",

  // Status412PreconditionFailed
    httpStatus: 412,
    serverMessage: "Precondition Failed",

  // Status413PayloadTooLarge
    httpStatus: 413,
    serverMessage: "Payload Too Large",

  // Status414URITooLong
    httpStatus: 414,
    serverMessage: "URI Too Long",
  // Status415UnsupportedMediaType
    httpStatus: 415,
    serverMessage: "Unsupported Media Type",

  // Status416RangeNotSatisfiable
    httpStatus: 416,
    serverMessage: "Range Not Satisfiable",

  // Status417ExpectationFailed
    httpStatus: 417,
    serverMessage: "Expectation Failed",

  // Status418ImATeapot
    httpStatus: 418,
    serverMessage: "I'm a teapot",

  // Status421MisdirectedRequest
    httpStatus: 421,
    serverMessage: "Misdirected Request",

  // Status422UnprocessableEntity
    httpStatus: 422,
    serverMessage: "Unprocessable Entity",

  // Status423Locked
    httpStatus: 423,
    serverMessage: "Locked",

  // Status424FailedDependency
    httpStatus: 424,
    serverMessage: "Failed Dependency",

  // Status425Unnassigned
    httpStatus: 425,
    serverMessage: "Unassigned",

  // Status426UpgradeRequired
    httpStatus: 426,
    serverMessage: "Upgrade Required",

  // Status428PreconditionRequired
    httpStatus: 428,
    serverMessage: "Precondition Required",

  // Status429TooManyRequests
    httpStatus: 429,
    serverMessage: "Too Many Requests",
    // Details: "Too Many Requests"

  // Status431RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
    httpStatus: 431,
    serverMessage: "Request Header Fields Too Large",

  // Status451UnavailableForLegalReasons
    httpStatus: 451,
    serverMessage: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons",


  // Status500InternalServerError
    httpStatus: 500,
    serverMessage: "Internal Server Error",

  // Status501NotImplemented
    httpStatus: 501,
    serverMessage: "Not Implemented",

  // Status502BadGateway
    httpStatus: 502,
    serverMessage: "Bad Gateway",

  // Status503ServiceUnavailable
    httpStatus: 503,
    serverMessage: "Service Unavailable",

  // Status504GatewayTimeout
    httpStatus: 504,
    serverMessage: "Gateway Timeout",

  // Status505HTTPVersionNotSupported
    httpStatus: 505,
    serverMessage: "HTTP Version Not Supported",

  // Status506VariantAlsoNegotiates
    httpStatus: 506,
    serverMessage: "Variant Also Negotiates",

  // Status507InsufficientStorage
    httpStatus: 507,
    serverMessage: "Insufficient Storage",

  // Status508LoopDetected
    httpStatus: 508,
    serverMessage: "Loop Detected",

  // Status509BandwithLimitExceeded
    httpStatus: 509,
    serverMessage: "Bandwith Limit Exceeded",

  // Status510NotExtended
    httpStatus: 510,
    serverMessage: "Not Extended",

  // Status511NetworkAuthenticationRequired
    httpStatus: 511,
    serverMessage: "Network Authentication Required",

  // Status521WebServerIsDown
    httpStatus: 521,
    serverMessage: "Web Server Is Down",

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