2.1.9 • Published 5 years ago

resumed-cli v2.1.9

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Last release
5 years ago



This is the command line tool for JSON Resume, the open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes.


Getting Started

Install the command-line tool:

npm install -g resumed-cli


resumed --help

Show a list of options and commands for the CLI.

resumed init

Creates a new resume.json file in your current working directory.

Complete the resume.json with your text editor. Be sure to follow the schema (available at http://jsonresume.org).

resumed validate

Validates your resume.json against our schema tests to ensure it complies with the standard. Tries to identify where any errors may be occurring.

resumed export [fileName]

Exports your resume locally in a stylized HTML, Markdown, or PDF format.

A list of available themes can be found here: http://jsonresume.org/themes/

Please npm install the theme you wish to use locally before attempting to export it.


  • --format <file type> Example: --format pdf
  • --theme <name> Example: --theme flat

resume serve

Starts a web server that serves your local resume.json.


  • --port <port>
  • --theme <name>

supported resume types

  • json: via JSON.parse.
  • yaml: via yaml-js
  • quaff: if --resume is a directory, then the path is passed to quaff and the resulting json is used as the resume. quaff supports a variety of formats in the directory, including javascript modules.

local theme development

Set --theme to the path of a local module that exports a theme.


For the export and serve commands use a sequence of algorithms to determine where the resume data comes from, what theme to use, how it should be rendered (e.g. pdf or html), and where the output is sent.


The theme is found by passing the --theme option (as theme) through the following algorithm: 1. theme => themePath if theme only contains characters in the class [0-9a-zA-Z-] and does not already begin with jsonresume-theme-, then the aforementioned string is appended as a prefix and used as themePath else set themePath to theme 1. import the theme themePath is passed through require.resolve with options.path set to process.cwd(). If a module is found this way it is used as the theme for rendering the resume. else if --remote-fallback is not set, throw an error * use the server specified by --remote-fallback to render the resume using theme

resume data

Resume data is read from stdin if stdin.isTTY is falsy. Otherwise, the resume is read from --path as resolved from process.cwd(). --type defaults to application/json. Supported resume data mime types are:

  • application/json
  • text/yaml

for the export command only:

rendering function

The output type (and therefore the function used to render the resume data with the theme) is set by the --type option if specified, otherwise the file extension of [fileName] is used to determine the output type. Supported types are:

  • pdf
  • html


if [fileName] is not provided, output is sent to stdout.


Available under the MIT license.