1.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

retro-cover v1.0.3

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Last release
1 year ago


Search and download covers from thecoverproject.com

You can search and download covers directly from their servers, leaving the boring HTML parsing for us. To install:

npm install retro-cover


Some endpoints are available within the server, which can be consumed through this library. The first one is:

Search(online|offline) Games

To search any term inside thecoverpoject you can use a function called searchOnline and searchOffline. This function will hit the server searching and parsing the output HTML:

import { searchOnline, searchOffline } from 'retro-cover';

searchOnline('mario', { page: 2 });
// Or

Those two functions exist because of the way the server was built; if you try to search simple strings like super Mario, Legend of Zelda, or Pokemon, the server will return satisfactory results. However, if you need more complex stuff like Conker's Pocket Tales or Bubba 'n' Stix the server will return no results, even thought there are valid results, so to let you search what you want, use this condition, if it has special characters, try the searchOffline for the other conditions use searchOnline.

Download Covers

You can get data or download all game covers from a game using those two methods:

import { getGameCovers, downloadCovers } from 'retro-cover';

  '4916', // Dr. Mario (GBA)
  '3043', // Dr. Mario (NES)

 'https://www.thecoverproject.net/view.php?cover_id=4155', // Dr. Mario (NES) 1st cover
 '10767' // Dr. Mario (NES) 2nd cover
], '/output/path')

Use the search methods to receive an object containing the URL from a cover game or even the gameId required by those two previous methods.

Search Covers

If you want to search covers by platform, you can use the two following methods:

import { getAdditionsByPlatform, getCoversByPlatform, type Platforms } from 'retro-cover';

// Or
getCoversByPlatform(Platforms.playstation3, 'A');