0.1.3 • Published 5 years ago
rgauge v0.1.3
React Radial Gauge 2
This is a fork of the original react-radial-gauge repository with some additional progress font options.
Create beautiful gauges in React. Customize each part of the gauge components to your need.
npm install rgauge
import Gauge from 'rgauge';
class AwesomeComponent esteds React.Component {
render() {
let opts = {/* Gauge customization */}
return (
<Gauge {...opts} />
Customizing the Gauge
In order you see a demo of how to customize the Gauge, have a look at the online Gauge generator.
You can pass in the below props to the <Gauge/>
component to customize the Radial Gauge look.
prop | Description | Value |
size | Size of the gauge. 200 Will render a 200x200 Gauge. | Integer |
currentValue | Gauges value. The progress and needle will be rendered according to this value. | Integer (1 to 100) |
dialWidth | Size of the radial dial | Integer |
dialColor | Color of the radial dial | Hex code |
progressWidth | Size of the progress bar | Integer |
progressColor | Color of the progress bar | Hex code |
tickLength | Length of the ticks | Integer |
tickWidth | Width of the ticks | Integer |
tickColor | Color of the ticks | Hex code |
needleColor | Color of the needle | Hex code |
needleBaseSize | Needle base size | Integer |
needleBaseColor | Needle base color | Hex code |
needleWidth | Width of the needle | Integer |
needleSharp | Should the needle be arrow or a line. If true, an arrow will be drawn, else a line. | true / false |
progressFontColor | What color should the text be for current value. | Hex code |
progressFontSize | How big should the text be for the current value. | Integer |
progressFontPosition | Should the progress text be positioned in the center or the bottom of the gauge. | "center / false |