0.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

riot-md-table v0.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
8 years ago


Material Design table component, for Riot.js

Work In Progress / Incomplete


bower install riot-md-table


npm install riot-md-table


<md-table data="{ data }" search="true" actions="4" onclick="{ onClick }">
	<md-table-col label="Col1" key="key1" order="desc" />
	<md-table-col label="Col2" key="key2" />
	<md-table-col label="Col3" key="key3" render="{ toDollars }" />
	<md-table-col label="Col4" key="key4" sorter="{ string }" />
	<md-table-col label="Actions" />

this.data = [
	{ id: "id1", key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3", key4: "val4" },
	{ id: "id2", key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3", key4: "val4" },
	{ key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3", key4: "val4" },
	{ key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3", key4: "val4" }

this.string = function (a, b) {
	return a.localeStringCompare(b);

this.toDollars = function (val) {
	return '$' + val;

this.onClick = function (e) {
	console.log('extra `click` listener for each row: ', e.item);


For md-table


Type: Array Default: [] Required: true

Table's data, an Array of Objects.

Each data Object should be the key:value pairs for a single row. These key names are used by md-table-col tags to select a data value.

An optional id key may be used to set the id attribute of the <tr> element.

data Object.id

Type: Mixed Default: tr-{ index } Required: false

If not set, the data object's index (within all of data) becomes the row's id: tr-{index}.

this.data = [
	{name: 'John', age: 32, job: 'Worker Bee'},
	{id: 'queen', name: 'Sally', age: 26, job: 'Queen Bee'}
	{name: 'Jack', age: 19, job: 'Worker Bee'},
	<tr id="tr-0">
		<td>Worker Bee</td>
	<tr id="queen">
		<td>Queen Bee</td>
	<tr id="tr-2">
		<td>Worker Bee</td>


Type: String Default: null Required: false

If set (any string is truthy), displays a search <input> that can be used to search the table rows for values.

Using space and , are synonymous with OR:

"aaa bbb" === "aaa,bbb" === "aaa, bbb" ===> Show any rows whose cells contain `aaa` OR `bbb`


Type: Integer Default: null Required: false

If table has an "Actions" column (does not contain data), pass its column index here. 0 based.


Type: Function Default: null Required: false

Event handler for every <td> or <tr> within <tbody>. The event's event.item value will always be a <tr> node, even if a child cell triggered the click.

For md-table-col


Type: String Required: true

The column's title.


Type: String Default: auto Required: false

The column's width. Pixel or percentage widths are allowed.


Type: String Required: sometimes

The key corresponds to a data object key. Required if the column is meant to display data.


Type: String Default: asc Options: asc or desc Required: false

The first direction when sorting.

For example, if desc, the first click on <th> will sort the column values in descending order. The second click will sort the values in ascending order.


Type: Function Required: false

A custom function to manipulate the cell's original value. Useful for applying prefixes or suffixes to values.

The cell's original value will always be assigned as value to the <td> element, even if a render method is used.

  <md-table-col label="Value" render="{ toDollars }" />
<!-- method prepends all values with a '$' and appends '.00' -->
this.toDollars = function (val) {
	return '$' + val + '.00';

After mount:

<td width="auto">
	<div class="td__inner">$100.00</div>
console.log(td.value); // 100


Type: Function Required: false

The sorting function used to arrange a column by its values. If not set then no sorting will occur when <th> is clicked.


MIT © Luke Edwards