0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

robserve v0.0.2

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10 years ago


Recursive Object Observer

This helps and reports back for any changes that may happen to an object, reports back the path and the value it has changed into.

This is a coffee script atm (as it's only first draft)


npm test

#how it works

parson = {name: "Tom", age: 18}

new Observe( person , function (changes, original){
} )

person.name = "Ben";   // {value: "Ben", path: name}
person.age = 20;   // {value: 20, path: 'age'}

This should also work for recursive, and future ancestors which are added into the object.

person.children = [{name:"Joe"} , {name: "Kim"} , {name:"Tom"} ]
person.children[1].name = 'ana'; //{value: "ana", path: 'children[1].name'}

This object is especially useful when binding (one way or two-way) to listen for changes taking advantage of the native Object.observe(obj, callback) aka O.o in a recursive mode, therefore performance should be optimal.

Raise a ticket if you would like to contribute.

#What is the original parameter?

This is the default changes, which the native Object.observe uses, if you would rather use the native so be it :), this has a more details information of what has happened to a particular object, however it may be tricky when working with deep objects.