1.0.5 • Published 12 months ago

roku-pm v1.0.5

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Last release
12 months ago

how to add to project

  1. in package.json add "roku-pm": "^1.0.4" to "devDependencies"
  2. in bsconfig.json add "roku-pm" to "plugins" array, example
    "plugins": ["@rokucommunity/bslint", "roku-pm"],

how to setup/modify config for roku-pm

  1. in bsconfig.json add "roku-pm" to config, example
    "plugins": ["@rokucommunity/bslint", "roku-pm"],
    "roku-pm": {
        "logFuncLocation": false

config values: | Property | Type | default | Description | | -------- | ------- | ------ | ------ | | functionLogTemplate | string | '?">> ${name}() ${location}"' | template or code that will be inserted after each function declaration, there are two placeholders: ${name} - is function name, and ${location} - is location where function is declared | logAnonFunc | boolean | true | if true, then will add logs for anonymous functions | logFuncLocation | boolean | true | if true, then will add function location to log for common functions | logAnonFuncLocation | boolean | true | if true, then will add function location to log for anonymous functions | logReturn | boolean | false | if true, then will add logs before each return or before function body end | logIfBlock | boolean | false | if true, then will add logs for each body of if/else blocks | addImports | string[] | [] | will add those list of scripts location (strings) to xml as <script/>, example: "addFiles": ["pkg:/source/someFile.brs"] | addFiles | {uri: string, file: string}[] | [] | will create files at specified locations, example: "addFiles": [{uri:"pkg:/source/someFile.brs", "file": "sub helloWorld \n ?\"hello world\" \n end sub"}] | files | string[] | "*/" | list of files/directories(glob pattern) that should be processed, or ignored if use negative !, example "files": ["include/this/**/*", "!ignore/this/**/*"]


12 months ago


12 months ago


12 months ago


12 months ago


12 months ago


12 months ago