0.3.2 • Published 5 years ago

roma-cli v0.3.2

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5 years ago

Rogue Machine Command Line Interface

ROMA is a prototype for building rogue-like games. It's alpha stage software, developed at a snail's pace by @eigenbom.

Getting Started

After installing npm, type:

> cd some_temporary_directory
> npx roma-cli new test
> cd test

You use the roma command-line tool to interact with the project.

NOTE: On linux you will need to type ./roma to run the roma script.

> roma (or ./roma)

% Rogue Machine has commands new, info, run, install, search, and help.

Use the command info to see the state of the project:

> roma info

[Info] You see a project named test. 
You see extensions Hello Script, Terminal Target, and Web Target. 
You see scripts hello, build-term, and build-web. 
(Specify --more to learn more.)

The code is written in typescript/javascript. Some example code can be found in src/main.ts. To compile it use the Terminal Target script build-term:

> roma run build-term

[Run] Running build-term
Built successfully!

Then run it:

> node build

You can also build a web application by installing the Web Target extension:

> node install roma-ext-web-target

[Install] Installing extension roma-ext-web-target
Bootstrapping roma-ext-web-target
Command succeeded!

Build and run:

> node run build-web -t www
> npx serve www