1.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

roost-web-push v1.1.0

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9 years ago

Roost API for node.js (OFFICIAL)

roost-web-push provides a few functions to integrate Web Push by Roost into any node.js app. Current functions return Roost credentials, send push notifications, and return metrics on previously sent notifications. All you need: Login, Send, Report.


You can install roost-web-push and its dependencies with npm: npm install roost-web-push.

You will also need a Roost account. (GoRoost.com - 30-day trials offered.)


Any call to the Roost API (login is the exception) requires an API Key and Secret. These values can be obtained from the Roost Dashboard or by using the Roost.login() method and sending your Roost User Name and Roost Password.

Login to Roost

var roost = require('roost-web-push');

var user = [YOUR ROOST USER NAME];

roost.login(user, pass, function(data) {

The return will be an array of configurations from Roost containing the configuration name, key, and secret. If failed, an error will be returned.

            "name":"My Site",

Sending a Notification - Basic Send

Notifications consist of a headline of text, and a URL for a landing page. This is the minimum that is required to send a notification.

Message and URL should be passed as an object. (Object.alert and Object.url respectively.)

var roost = require('roost-web-push');

var key = [YOUR ROOST KEY];
var secret = [YOUR ROOST SECRET];

var params = {};

params.alert = "My message to send";
params.url = "http://[URL to landing page][dot]com;

roost.sendNote(key, secret, params, function(data) {
    //DO SOMETHING... Or not here.

Return will be an array with success / failure and a message, along with notification_id. This ID corresponds to metrics returned with getNotes, and eventually can be used to query metrics on individual notifications. (Look for future releases of this package).

    "message":"Push queued; will be sent to devices within the next few seconds.",

Sending a Notification - Sending With Parameters

It is possible to target segments of your subscribers, or even individuals, and send scheduled notifications or advanced tests on notification sending. Your plan must support these features and you must first have set these segments or identifiers via our JavaScript API.

Accepted Parameters

Key NameDescription
segmentsList of Segments. If included, notification will be sent only to subscribers associated with one or more of the listed Segments.
aliasesList of user Aliases. If included, notification will be sent only to subscribers listed.
device_tokensList of device tokens on which users registered. If included, notification will be sent only to devices listed.
exclude_tokensList of device tokens. If included, devices listed will be excluded when the notification is sent.
test_typeSpecifies that progressive A/B split-testing will be done to optimize delivery. If included, value must be: 'MULTI_ARM_BANDIT'. In this case, alert must also be specified as an array with a list of alternate titles (EX: 'A Notification Title', 'Alternate Title', 'Third Title').
schedule_forTime when the notification will be scheduled for delivery. Format: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ". Time is specified in Zulu/GMT. Example: '2015-06-20T08:00:00Z'
var roost = require('roost-web-push');

var key = [YOUR ROOST KEY];
var secret = [YOUR ROOST SECRET];

var params = {};

params.alert = 'Breaking News - Car Crash on the 405';
params.url = 'https://goroost.com';
params.aliases = ['dan@abc123.com', 'burton@xyz456', 'sattles@lmno789.com'];
params.device_tokens = ['abcdefg123456789', '987654321gfedcba'];
params.exclude_tokens = ['lmnopqrs789'];
params.schedule_for = '2015-09-05T15:17:00Z';
params.segments = ['Story', 'News', 'Weather'];
params.test_type = 'MULTI_ARM_BANDIT';

roost.sendNote(key, secret, params, function(data) {
    //DO SOMETHING... Or not here.

Get Notification Metrics

No application is complete without knowing how it is performing. Roost tracks metrics for individual notifications. The roost.getNotes() method returns information on the 10 most recent notifications. (Future versions will support querying for individual notes, allowing count of returned notifications, and offset).

var roost = require('roost-web-push');

var key = [YOUR ROOST KEY];
var secret = [YOUR ROOST SECRET];

var params = {};

roost.getNotes(key, secret, params, function(data) {

Return will be an object containing a notifications array including id, sent (date/time), stats.reads, stats.sends, alert, and url.

            "alert":"Breaking News: Apple Announces new iPhone",
                "alert":"How to tackle the hard problems",

Support / Requests / Feedback

For additional information, support, feedback, or for feature requests, email support@goroost.com. We'd like to hear from you.

Future Features

  • Add query parameters to the roost.getNotes() method.
  • Add general Roost config stats method.
  • Provide easy way to include / inject roost.js script onto site

9 years ago


10 years ago