1.1.7 • Published 3 years ago

rottler v1.1.7

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3 years ago

rottler - a rate limit helper

Working with rate limits can be hard, so the purpose of rottler is to provide no only a way of testing rate limit strategy, but also an helper to throttle calls according to a rate limit

rate limits supported

Rottler supports

  • a limited number of call per period
  • a minimum delay between calls
  • a combination of both


yarn add rottler
npm install rottler


const rot = new Rottler (options)

the best bits

Before diving into the detail, here's the best bits

  • set up a rot according to your APIs rate limiting rules. This example is for an api that allows a maximum of 20 requests a minute, with at least 1 second between each one
  const rot = new Rottler ({
    delay: Rottler.ms ('seconds' , 1),
    period: Rottler.ms('minutes' , 1),
    rate: 20
  • loop through your data - each row in the array of data be presented in the loop at a rate that satisfies the rate limit rules
  // Node / JavaScript 
  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows });
  for await (let {row} of rowIterator) {
    callYourApi (row)
  • for non async Apps Script, you need to provide a timeout function and set synch to true
  const rot = new Rottler ({
    delay: Rottler.ms ('seconds' , 1),
    period: Rottler.ms('minutes' , 1),
    rate: 20,
    synch: true,
    sleep: Utilities.sleep
  • Apps script for forEach
  //  Apps Script
  rows.forEach (row=> {
    Utilities.sleep (rot.waitTime())
    callYourApi (row)
  • using an iterator with Apps Script
  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows });
  for   (let {row} of rowIterator) {
    /// do something with row

API rate limit testing

One use of rottler is for testing your code that is supossed to handle rate limiting by acting as a simulated rate limited API. Let's say you are writing some code to run against an API which has rate limits.

  .then (result => handle(result))
  .catch(error => {
      if (error is a rate limit ) dosomemagic

Instead of testing it against the real API, you can simulate the API response behavior with rottler.

Say the api limits to 10 calls per minute, with a minimum delay of 2 seconds between each call.

const rot = new Rottle ({
  period: 60 * 1000,
  rate: 10,
  delay: 2 * 1000

// simulate the the api behavior
try {
} catch (error) {
  if (error is a rate limit ) {
    // this is how long you need to wait before trying again for a successful outcome

or more likely, the API you are simulating will be async

    .catch (error=>{
      if (error is a rate limit ) {
        // this is how long you need to wait before trying again for a successful outcome

or you could see if it's going to fail before even trying

if (!rot.waitTime()) {

or check how many you can still run in this period

if (!rot.available() > 0 ) {
  // good to go 

or see how many have been run in this period

console.log (rot.size())

Alternatively, just let rottle handle your API calls

You can let just let rottle worry about waiting for the right time. This example will only run rot.use() when it knows it will fit inside the api rate limit parameters, and will wait for however long is necessary.

  rot.rottle ().then (()=> ... do whatever)

Applied to to api usage

Now we've seen how rot.use() simulates a rate limited API, but by mixing it into your app you can control when you call the api and forget all about rate limiting

  rot.rottle ()
    .then (()=>callApi())
    .then (result => handle(result))
    .catch(error => handle(error))


If you need to customize behavior, you can set listeners to be triggered when any exceptions happen

  rot.on('rate', ()=> {
    // just had to wait because of too many calls in the period
    // check how long to wait before trying agaim


  rot.on('delay', ()=> {
    // just had to wait because we have to delay before retrying
    // check how long to wait before trying again

In these cases, you might want to set options.throwError to false if you want to handle exceptions in some custom way


These are the constructor options

period60000period over which ratelimitis measured in ms
rate10max no of calls in period
delay5minimum wait between calls
timeoutsetTimeouta function that needs to do the same as setTimeout - unlikely to be needed
throwErrortruewhether an attempt to trigger .use or .useAsync outside of rate throws an error
synchfalsehow to handle waiting - you only need this if you plan to use the iterator method and provide a syncronous timeout via the timeout parameter
sleepa synchronous sleep function for use when synch is true. This is mainly for Apps Script, and the correct value would be Utilities.sleep
smoothfalseapply smoothing to wait times - see smoothing section later
smoothMinimum0.25minimum threshold for smoothing when smooth is turned on - see later for explanation


All the options are accessible as class properties (eg rot.delay). Everything else is a method as below.

entry()RottlerEntrymeasurement stats
sinceLast()numberhow many ms since last successful .use
tooSoon()booleanwhether it's too soon to try to .use
available()numberhow many .use are available in the current period (doesn't account for .delay)
waitTime()numberhow long to wait before a .use will be successful
reset()start again and clear all measurements
rottle()Promiseresolves when waitTime() is zero
use()RottlerEntryuse 1 slot
useAsync()Promiseasync version of use()
on(name: string, func: function)what to do when a rate or a delay event occurs
off(name: string, func: function)turn off listening to the selected event

convenience time conversion

Since there's a lot of conversions, a convenience ms to to other measures are provided as a static method, but also accessible from an instance. For example to get one day in ms

  rot.ms ('days')

or 10 hours in ms

  rot.ms ('hours', 10)

or can also be called as a static method

  Rottler.ms('weeks', 3)

To convert back the other way, just stick 'ms' in front of the conversion name. For example to convert 200000ms to weeks.

  rot.ms('msWeeks', 200000)

It's not rocket science, but it does help to document when instead of defining a simmer like this

const rot = new Rottle ({
  period: 60 * 1000,
  rate: 10,
  delay: 2 * 1000

You can do this

const ms = Rottle.ms
const rot = new Rottle ({
  period: ms('minute'),
  rate: 10,
  delay: ms('seconds', 2)

and you can interpret results like this

  const minutes = ms('msMinutes', rot.waitTime())

Here's the full list of conversions

conversion namereturns


Some schemes reset the counter at specific times, or allow the carrying forward of unused rate limits. However these are more about quotas (how many you can have) as opposed to rate limitations (how often you can have it), and are not supported by rottle at this time. If these or other pooled quota schemes is of interest, let me know in the issues section. We'd need to find a way to persist usage across sessions.

You can of course reset the counters during use with rot.reset() if necessary.


Let's say you have a rate limit of 8 per second, and you have many of these to do. Normal behavior will be to do as many of these as quickly as possible then wait till the older ones expire. This is fine if you have less then the rate to do, but it's probably better to evenly distribute the calls over the period if you have many to do. Smoothing will attempt to distribute calls over the rate measurement period by adjusting the delay between calls, but it will never be shorter than the specified delay parameters.

A smoothMinimum parameter is also available (normally 0.25) and it controls at what point smoothing kicks in. The point of it is to avoid unnecessary waiting when you only have a small number (the 8/second example smoothing with a minimum of 0.25 only kicks in after 2 calls in the period), but to smooth if it looks like there will be many to do. Smoothing also works when part of a transformation - here's an example combining smoothing and a transformation iterator.

  const rows = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13];
  const rot = new Rottler({
    delay: 100,
    rate: 5,
    period: 1000,
    smooth: true,
    smoothMinimum: 0.3

  const transformer = ({ row }) => row * 10;
  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows, transformer });

  for await (let {transformation} of rowIterator) {
    // so something with each transformation




If you are using the rowIterator, you can also pass a transformation function that will be applied to each row like this

  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows, transformer: ({row}) => row*10 });
  for await (let { transformation } of rowIterator) {
    // so something with the transformation for each row

The value returned by rowIterator is also passed as input to the transformer and looks like this

rowthe row value
indexthe row number
rowsthe complete rows array
transformationthe row after the transformer has been applied
waitTimehow long this row had to wait before being allowed to execute

Special Google Apps Script treatment

Server side Google Apps Script is not asynchronous. It doesn't even have a setTimeout function, but it does syntactically support Promises, so to make all this work all we have to do is to provide a sleep function (which is synchronous), and tell rottle you're working in synchronous mode

const ms = Rottle.ms
const rot = new Rottle ({
  period: ms('minute'),
  rate: 10,
  delay: ms('seconds', 2),
  sleep: Utilities.sleep,
  synch: true

because Apps Script is synchronous and single threaded you can just do this

  const result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)

or if you prefer

  Utilities.sleep (rot.waitTime())
  const result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)

Special treatment for loops

Rot is intended to be single threaded, so it's up to you to manage threading when using it to test your rate management app.

If you need concurrence, see https://github.com/brucemcpherson/qottle which allows you to queue concurrent requests according to rate limit rules.

If you are using rottle to front calls to an API, at some point you'll need to handle looping. Looping in an async environment is pretty complicated because the normal forEach doesn't work, and if you use .map to create an array of promise they'll all kick off together.

In Apps Script, which is syncronous you don't need it - it's as simple as this

data.forEach (row => {
  Utilities.sleep (rot.waitTime())
  // do something with the row 

On node, and client side it's more complicated. However, Rottle provides a convenience static function to manage async looping. See this example. You can't use this pattern with Apps Script V8 as it doesn't support for-await-of.

  const rows = [1, 2, 3]
  const rot = new Rottler({
    delay: 1000,
  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows });
  for await (let result of rowIterator) {
    // do something with result.row which will contain the data

synch option

With apps script there's a way to use the iterator method too. You'll have to provide a timeout function as before, and also set the synch option (if you don't it won't fail, but there won't be a delay between calls)

  const rot = getRot({
    delay: 1000,
    sleep: Utilities.sleep,
    synch: true

Rottler figures out which type of iterator to provide on whether you're using for or for await.

  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows });
  for   (let {row} of rowIterator) {
    // do something with row

Transformations work in the same way for apps script as with node/javascript

  const rowIterator = rot.rowIterator({ rows, transformer: ({row}) => {
    // do something with row
    return updatedRow
  for   (let {transformation} of rowIterator) {
    // do something with the transformation

qottle -vs- rottler

See also https://github.com/brucemcpherson/qottle

In many cases theses are interchangeable, but there are some differences that may help to choose one over the other | feature | qottle | rottler | | ----- | ---- | ---- | | synch | no | yes | | async | yes | yes | | smoothing | no | yes | | iterator | no | yes | | multi thread | yes | no | | concurrence control | yes | n/a | | logging | yes | no | | duplicate management | yes | no | | transformers | no | yes | | apps script | yes | yes | | node | yes | yes | | javascript | yes | yes |

apps script sleep

Utilities.sleep in apps script has a maximum wait time of 5mins, so if you use long rate limit periods, it's possible this will get exploded - so try to keep it smaller


3 years ago


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3 years ago