1.0.5 β€’ Published 5 years ago

rounding-decimal v1.0.5

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

Precision Decimal Rounding ( Round, Ceil, & Floor)

What this package does? πŸ€”

Tiny package for rounding a number to a specific number of decimal places

/* example */

// 1. desired decimal in response
// 2. string or number

// 1. string or number
const MY_VALUE = '1.293832'

rounding.up(MY_VALUE, MY_DECIMAL_LENGTH) // 1.29 🏁

Why this package? πŸ€”

  1. Can handle decimals as type string or number.
  2. Also compatible with Typescript files.

Results πŸ™‹

  1. Pass in a decimal (number), returns a type number response.
  2. Pass in a decimal (string), returns a type string response..

Size πŸ”¬

Less-than < 2 kilobytes

OK! Lets Get Started πŸ’₯

Npm or Yarn installion

npm install rounding-decimal

yarn add rounding-decimal

Import Module πŸ“¦

import { rounding } from 'rounding-decimal'

Methods βš™οΈ

/* Math.round */

/* Math.ceil */

/* Math.floor */

The End 🏝️

We could use your help! Please share your experience & code if you got a solution πŸ› οΈto a unique problem πŸš€. The community needs your support! ❀️

Working with npm packages

*** New package
  1. Setup an npm account. (if not done aleardy)
  2. Create a package.json (snippet below) at application root and set version 1.0.0 to start. *** If open source, set the license to MIT. 🀟
  3. Push changes to your git repo.
  4. npm login
  5. npm publish
  "name": "unique-npm-project-name",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Descripton of my application",
  "main": "index.min.js",
  "license": "MIT",
  "keywords": ["list", "of", "searchable", "key", "words"]
*** update package
  1. Push changes to your git repo
  2. npm login
  3. npm version with new number
  4. npm publish
# updating version example
npm verison 1.0.1
*** am i still logged in?
  1. npm whoami