1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
rpcm-winbox-react v1.0.0
Winbox.js react module
npm install --save react
npm install --save react-dom
npm install --save winbox
npm install --save rpcm-winbox-react
Usage in functional components
import React from "react";
import WbModal from "rpcm-winbox-react";
var SimpleExample = () => {
return <WbModal />
import React from "react";
import WbModal from "rpcm-winbox-react";
var ComplexExample = () => {
var handleAction = () => {
var handleClose = () => {
return (
timestamp={timestamp} // forces re-render
onClose={() => handleClose()} // modal close handler
winboxCloseButtonId="btnCloseWinbox" // specify a modal close button
modal: {"border-radius": "12px 12px 0 0"},
body: {"font-family": "none"},
title: {"color": "white"},
header: {}
title="Mega Modal"
headerBackgroundColor="linear-gradient(rgb(20, 127, 193), rgb(34, 148, 218))"
<div className="wbmodal-main-content">
<textarea rows="10" style="width:90%"></textarea>
<div style={{ textAlign: "right" }}>
<button id="btnCloseWinbox" type="button" className="btn btn-default pointer">Close</button>
<button type="button" className="btn btn-default pointer" onClick={() => handleAction()}>Process</button>
var options = {
* default
title: string, // default "Modal"
border: number, // default 0
headerBackgroundColor: string, // background style for the modal header
// default linear-gradient(90deg, #ff00f0, #0050ff)
x: string | number | 'center', // default center
y: string | number | 'center', // default center
modal: boolean, // default false
minWidth: number, // default 500
theme: string, // take from the Winbox themes, check Winbox docs for more info
// default modern
isSingleton: boolean, // true keeps a Winbox instance inmemory/DOM.
// false kills instance and removes from DOM
// default true
* additional
noAnimation: boolean, // handles modal animations
noShadow: boolean, // handles modal shadow
noHeader: boolean, // handles header visibility
noMin: boolean, // handles minimize button
noMax: boolean, // handles maximize button
noFull: boolean, // handles fullscreen button
noClose: boolean, // handles close button
noResize: boolean, // handles modal resizing
noMove: boolean, // handles modal draggability
hide: boolean, // handles modal visibility on modal creation
isVisible: boolean, // handles modal visibility on modal render
border: number, // Set the border width of the window (supports all css units, like px, %, em, rem, vh, vmax)
timestamp: number, // provides re-rendering when value changes, usefull when modal content changes
top: string | number, // Define the available area (relative to the document) in which the window can move or could be resized (supports units "px" and "%").
bottom: string | number, // Define the available area (relative to the document) in which the window can move or could be resized (supports units "px" and "%").
left: string | number, // Define the available area (relative to the document) in which the window can move or could be resized (supports units "px" and "%").
right: string | number, // Define the available area (relative to the document) in which the window can move or could be resized (supports units "px" and "%").
height: string | number, // Supports "right" for x-axis, "bottom" for y-axis, "center" for both, units "px" and "%" also for both.
width: string | number, // Supports "right" for x-axis, "bottom" for y-axis, "center" for both, units "px" and "%" also for both.
onclose: function(),
onmove: function(),
onresize: function(),
onblur: function(),
onfocus: function(),
modalCssClass: string, // add extra CSS classes to the respective DOM elements
modalHeaderCssClass: string, // add extra CSS classes to the respective DOM elements
modalTitleCssClass: string, // add extra CSS classes to the respective DOM elements
modalBodyCssClas: string, // add extra CSS classes to the respective DOM elements
winboxCloseButtonId: string, // specify a DOM element ID which handles the modal close method.
recenterOnRerender: boolean, // sets to center/center (x,y) uppon rerendering when true
styles: Object // adds additional inline styles directly to the specified elements
3 years ago