rpl-www v0.2.0
The magic of rpl, as a JavaScript library that you can embed in existing pages.
This adds a textarea into your page, but more importantly a love-coding environment.
It'll surface errors, whether syntax or runtime, and using magic //=
lets you display results of your programs in the same place as their code,
dramatically tightening the feedback loop of writing software and enabling
ideas like inline, live code examples.
Under the hood, most of the execution magic is in Terrarium,
a library that instruments code with esprima and
escodegen and runs it in iframe
The user-facing interface is powered by CodeMirror
and displays detected GeoJSON data with
Recommended usage is with browserify: this is a browser-only library.
npm install --save rpl-www
See the example rpl-www.css
file for the necessary CSS, which includes
CSS for CodeMirror and rpl-www's custom line widgets.
var Rpl = require('rpl-www');
new Rpl(element, {
sandbox: { /* optional things to give in scope */ },
tips: ["searchtext", "tipcontent"]
The main export is a constructor function that takes arguments of
: a div element on your pageoptions
: optional options. valid choices are:sandbox
: objects to be passed into Terrarium's sandbox parameter: this allows you to provide libraries or data into the Rpl context. Otherwise the Rpl context is fresh and does not persist any variables or grab any variables from the current context.tips
is an array of 2-element arrays of strings. It specifies specific terms, most likely funciton names, to document inline with CodeMirror's markText method.