1.4.0-alpha.3 • Published 3 years ago

rtsp-video-recorder-ffmpeg-options v1.4.0-alpha.3

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3 years ago

RTSP Video Recorder

Provides an API to record rtsp video stream as a mp4 files splitted out on segments

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This library spawns ffmpeg as a child process, so it won't work with no ffmpeg installed. To do so just type:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ffmpeg

If you prefer different package manager or work on different linux distro use appropriate to your system command.


Installation process of this lib as simple as it can be. Just run

npm i --save rtsp-video-recorder

After that you can use it like on example below


Init an instance of recorder

import Recorder, { RecorderEvents } from 'rtsp-video-recorder';

const recorder = new Recorder('rtsp://username:password@host/path', '/media/Recorder', {
  title: 'Test Camera',

Assign event handlers you need

started event

Handler receives an object that contains options applied to the current process

  • Default values if no options passed.
  • Converted values in case of some options if passed.
recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STARTED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, {
    uri: 'rtsp://username:password@host/path',
    path: '/media/Recorder',
    title: 'Test Camera',
    noAudio: false,
    filePattern: '%Y.%m.%d/%H.%M.%S',
    segmentTime: 600,
    autoClear: false,
    ffmpegBinary: 'ffmpeg',

stopped event

If stopped programmatically handler receives 0 exit code & reason message that it stopped programmatically.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOPPED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 0, 'Programmatically stopped.');

Or if stop reason is FFMPEG process exited, handler receives an exit code of ffmpeg process and a message that FFMPEG exited.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOPPED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 255, 'FFMPEG exited. Code 255.');

segment_started event

Event handler receives a path to current and previous segments.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.SEGMENT_STARTED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, {
    current: '/media/Recorder/2020.',
    previous: '/media/Recorder/2020.',

Or just current if it's first segment during this run.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.SEGMENT_STARTED, (payload) => {
    current: '/media/Recorder/2020.',

file_created event

New file should be created when new segment started or in case of recording stopped.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.FILE_CREATED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, `/media/Recorder/2020.06.25/10.18.04.mp4`);

space_full event

If no space left an event should be emitted and payload raised.

There is approximation percentage which is set to 1, so when you reach out 496 you'll have space_full event emitted if you set your threshold e.g. 500. In other words it works based on formula Math.ceil(used + used * APPROXIMATION_PERCENTAGE / 100) > threshold where threshold is you threshold valud and used is amount of space used.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.SPACE_FULL, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, {
    path: '/media/Recorder',
    threshold: 500,
    used: 496,

space_wiped event

If no space left recorder directory should be wiped. The oldest subdirectory should be removed only. An event handler will get an object with path, threshold and space used which left after clear.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.SPACE_WIPED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, {
    path: '/media/Recorder',
    threshold: 500,
    used: 200,

error event

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.ERROR, () => {
  /** Do what you need in case of recording error */

Start recording


Stop recording


If you need to know whether recording is in process or no

You can execute isRecording methond on recorder instance which returns boolean value


It also supports Fluent Interface

import Recorder, { RecorderEvents } from 'rtsp-video-recorder';

new Recorder('rtsp://username:password@host/path', '/media/Recorder')
  .on(RecorderEvents.STARTED, onStarted)
  .on(RecorderEvents.STOPPED, onStopped)
  .on(RecorderEvents.FILE_CREATED, onFileCreated)



RTSP stream URI. e.g. rtsp://username:password@host/path


Path to the directory for video records. It may be relative but better to define it in absolute manner.



File path pattern. By default it is %Y.%m.%d/%H.%M.%S which will be translated to e.g. 2020.01.03/03.19.15

Accepts C++ strftime specifiers: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/


Duration of one video file (in seconds). 600 seconds or 10 minutes by default if not defined. It can be a number of seconds or string xs, xm or xh what means amount of seconds, minutes or hours respectively.


Title of video file. Used as metadata of video file.


By default the process is going to record audio stream into a file but in case you don't want to, you can pass true to this option. Note that audio stream is encoded using ACC.


In case you have this option specified you will have ability to catch SPACE_FULL event whent threshold is reached. It can be a number of bytes or string xM, xG or xT what means amount of Megabytes, Gigabytes or Terrabytes respectively.


This option is false bu default. So, if you reach a threshold your Recorder emits SPACE_FULL event and stops. But if you specify this option as true it will remove the oldest directory in case threshold reached out. Also it does emit SPACE_WIPED event in case of some directory removed.

NOTE that option does not make sence if dirSizeThreshold option is not specified.


In case you need to specify a path to ffmpeg binary you can do it usin this argument.