2.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

rumpus v2.1.1

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Last release
8 years ago


npm version


npm install rumpus --save


var server = require('rumpus')(3000, {
  version: 1

server.addMessageHandler('USER_REQUEST_GAME', function (socket, data) {
  console.log('client has requested a game with:', data);

  socket.emit('GAME_START', game.getStartingProperties());


rumpus provides a multiplayer game server built on top of socket.io. Out of the box, rumpus will create a Lobby where clients will initially connect to. Clients can join any number of other rooms to support "chat channels", or clients can be moved out of the Lobby and into a game room if required.

rumpus provides hooks for listening to client messages, upon which your application can respond.

rumpus also packages the events class. The Server and Room classes trigger events, these are detailed in the events section



Server(port:Number, opts:Object)

The only required parameter is the port you wish to listen on. You may pass any of the options as an object.

addMessageHandler(messageName:String, fn:Function):Server

Binds to any socket message the client may send. fn is called with: (Socket, [args[]...])


Remove a previously bound message handler to all connected users and prevent the handler from being bound to future clients.


Attach a listener to events the server can emit, see events section


Close the server, kills the Socket.io server



Adds a user into the lobby. This is only required if you have the config options waitForPropsBeforeLobby set to true. Otherwise users are already placed into the lobby on connect.

createRoom(name:String, maxUsers:number, canBeClosed:boolean):Room

Create a new room. If no room name is provided, a random UUID is generated. If maxUsers is not provided, no room limit is enforced. canBeClosed comes into effect when the room is empty. Be default, the last user to leave a room will cause that room to be closed.

changeRoom(user:User, oldRoom:Room, newRoom:Room):RoomManager

Move a user from one room to another


Get a Room by its name. This is an asynchronous operation.


Get an array of Users by the name of the room. This is an asynchronous operation.



Get a User by their ID. This is an asynchronous operation.

isUserInRoom(userId:String, roomName:String):boolean

Check if a user is a member of a given room. Users can be in multiple rooms at once.


Given a user ID, get an array of Rooms they are in. This is an asynchronous operation.


As well as socket messages sent, rumpus will emit certain events you can listen to.


  • error - triggered when an error occurs
  • user-connect - triggered when a user connects to the server
  • user-disconnect - triggered when a user leaves the server


  • room-empty - triggered when a room becomes empty, the server will destroy the room
  • room-full - triggered if a room has a maximum occupancy and that value is met
  • user-enter - triggered when a user joins a room


  • update - triggered when a user's properties are changed


  • version - string | number - sent to the client on connect. Default: 1
  • waitForPropsBeforeLobby - boolean - when set will only add the user to the lobby after receiving a user-properties message from them. Default false
  • sendLobbyUsers - boolean - whether the server will provide a user list to newcomers to the lobby. Default true
  • broadcastNewUserToLobby - boolean - whether to inform all lobby users when a new user joins. Default true
  • roomLimit - number - The maximum number of users allowed in a room, or null for no limit. Default null
  • redis - Object - Optional - If a Redis server is available allows for running multiple server instances on different servers and/or processes while still allowing communication between them. Default null
  • redis.host - string - The hostname or IP address of the Redis server. Default localhost
  • redis.port - number - The port of the Redis server. Default 6379
  • redis.key - string - Optional - A prefix to be added to keys.


For some reason, room.test.js puts the test suite into an odd state, causing sporadic failures further down the line. There is a Grunt task which will run each directory's tests in isolation:

grunt test